Can I use supersoil in tiny pots?

Hey all, new to this place :)

I am using a 4x4 Secret Jardin grow tent with a 600w MH/HPS setup. I am wanting to try my next grow in soil, and due to traveling for work I will be gone for 4-5 days at a clip. So my thought was to "just add water" as Sub has coined his process. So my question is...should I be thinking about 30 seperate 1 gallon smart pots with clones in them, or should I place a 4x4 grow tray in the bottom, add 4 inches of supersoil in the bottom and 4 inched of potting soil on top of that with clones stuck in intermittently? I want to do this because then I can use Tropf-Blumat system for my watering.

Anyone have thoughts? This will be my third ultra quiet and odor free grow in a second story apartment complex. I dont dare leave pumps and res and timers for that long when a few gallons of "oops" could lead to questions and maintenance men, so I thought this would be a better way to go about it if the supersoil will work in this setup.

Thanks for reading, hoping someone can school me on this :)
I wonder if it would be all that different? You still use the same math on the soil levels, your using clones which dont need the depth as much as seed would...maybe this can be my fun experiment and first journal on the board here. What do you think Kamut? If you wanted the clones to be fairly small in order to utilize the "Sea of Green" technique, this could work well in theory. I'm starting to wonder about the proximity of the roots though, that could kill the whole plan before I even get started. to read :)


Active Member
i have seen sub post about using super soil in beds, kinda like the grow tray your talking about, and i bet if you search around you can find them. 10 gal pots work best for me, but if your intelligent about it super soil should work in just about any setup. gotta remember, its just dirt... dont over complicate things. by the way, even in 10 gallon pots i have to water ever 2 to 3 days once budding begins.
Im not worried about the water quantities at all. If the Tropf-Blumat setup works like I have been told it does, then I hook them up to a 30 Gal res that is slightly elevated. Gravity does the rest. no pumps, no electricity, no timers. It is just dirt, but its my first attempt using it so I dont want to miss a few basic principles and goof it all up. I'm gunshy lol, but point taken. I really want to figure this out because my work schedule is making it impossible to keep plants alive using my previous hydro setup. Miss a day and your girls are toast, that whole debacle. I understand I can find resources to build big set-ups that are hydro and can be left for days, but that's a lot of set up in an apartment. Its also expensive.

I did find trays, say $120-$180 for a great tray with a depth of 7". The watering things are around $100 after the shipping, and then its just the soil. I used distilled water before, need to read up on whether or not I should use that or get an RO filter. I plant on making a batch that is half the quantity of the recipe listed by Sub. At least thats the plan so far haha


Active Member
you can filter your water if you want to,i use a "small boy" chlorine snatcher. it was $100 and has a sediment filter and an activated carbon filter. it works very well for me, i see no point to ro water when using soil. the trays cost a pretty penny, yes, but they can eliminate a lot of head ache and reduce messes. my 10 gal pots just rest on the floor in individual trays but i use a big square tray for my plants in 1 and 2 gal pots. lets me throw water around like a jackass and not make a mess lol. this sounds like a cool project here, i hope to be able to check back on this thread in a couple months and see happy plants! what strain ypu plan to run in there?



Well-Known Member
Yeah, i keep small mothers of my fav strains with super soil now. I mix a small amount of ss into my base. Then leave a few inches of room at the top of your pot to top dress. When she runs out of nutes, top dress with some Super soil. that will kick her back in and doing well. When she starts to run out again, scrape the top dress out and replace it. Work'n for me so far with just keeping my clone mothers going. With that said, when one starts to have been around too long, we rotate her out with a new clone as the mother. Ether way, its not ideal to be in small pots for Subs supersoil.. But you can make it work.

Sir Stickybuds

Well-Known Member
You can run supersoil in 1 gallons, I have and do. Under a 150 watt light they last fine, under 600, they are eating it up and bit faster and definitely require a top dressing, but it does work.
Cool..well you guys have definitely given me enough info to feel safe giving it a shot. Wish I didn't have to cook the soil for so long but such is life. Thanks for the help! My thought now is 4 inches SS, 4 inches potting soil, grow the clones into 4" grodan cubes, then transplant those with only half in the potting soil, half sticking up. Mound some new potting soil around each one, place the Tropf's and organize the tubing...voila.

Sir Stickybuds, are you talking about clones or from seed? And if you are talking clones, is it a clone that is allowed to branch out and grow OR is it trimmed to only grow the main cola and nothing else, no branches. This will determine if the nutes in 4" of supersoil would be enough for what I want to do, which is trim a clone to allow only the one cola to grow straight up. Worse case scenario, I now have all these small mounds of dirt in the bed, if I need to topdress to provide more vittles during flower then it will be easy to fill in around and between all the mounds. I like this setup so far :bigjoint: