Can I wait another two weeks to harvest?


Well-Known Member
You disproved nothing more than that you have little etiquette and even less class. Just because you say something doesn't even mean you understood what you said, which you clearly didn't.
Pull your head out your ass and do a search, lunar cycles cannabis
do it, I dare you child.... but here is the hard part, you have to read and try to understand it. hahahah


Well-Known Member
LMFAO. google it? ive been telling YOU to PROVE IT. you cant so i laugh at your ignorance.

go read mad magazine

everything you have said here is just as good and provable as a WIKI article. LMFAO people like you are hilarious.

its on the net, it has to be true, right? lmfao

reported for what you are. a misinform-er.


Active Member
Ernst Zürcher, Chair of Wood Sciences, Department of Forest and Wood Sciences, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, ETH Zentrum, HG F 21, CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland. Presented at Third IUFRO Extension Working Party Symposium, “Extension Forestry: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Application”, July 19-24, 1998, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA.

Empirical knowledge and traditions often mention a second level of influence, that of the ascending and descending cycle of the moon, its tropical rhythm concerning the earth-moon relationship from a geocentric point of view (this second rhythm is less obvious to the observer). Indeed, the highest point, compared to the earth"s horizon, of each lunar passage varies systematically and in both directions. The moon"s trajectory takes it higher in the sky for 13 or 14 passages, then the tendency is reversed for the other half of the tropical month, which lasts for 27.32158 days. Here, the general rule is quite close to the previous one: "As the moon ascends, the sap rises faster in the upper part of plants and improves the quality of its constituents; . . . as the moon descends, the growth of plants above ground is slowed (Gabriel 1988). According to Wohlgenannt"s 1988 synthesis, the ascending moon brings a "separation from moisture and soil," whilst the descending moon "pulls all things downwards." First source of confusion: the ascending moon is sometimes confused with the waxing moon, the descending moon with the waning moon, despite a difference in periodicity of 2.21 days.


shooting my mouth off? piss off and learn something.

im actualy helping this guy, what have you done? bitched about the moon.

i have a rep around here on the forum, for KEEPING THE INFO STRAIGHT. that qualify's me to shoot me mouth off when people are saying BS unprovable claims.

so far i have disproved everything you have said about the moon, with quotes included. you have yet to come up with a single piece of viable information.

#1, your posting on a forum. it HAS TO be put into context or people with misinterprate it. especialy when you only take 10 seconds to make a full post.
#2 it is your bad. you were the one who posted it in a way that could have been mis informing.

if you dont want to take my advice then go fuck around with your plants untill you figure it out. as simple as that.
Anyone say self centered jackass to egotistic to admit There wrong? Rock on colocowboy, no ones ever gonna discover new methods of madness if fools like this are to busy picking fights instead of trying to win battles.


Well-Known Member
hi folks, if you are arguing try to stick with evidence and on topic and avoid personal attacks, so we can have a professional discussion. There are other places in the forum for more freedom of speech if you want to take it out somewhere. If a user continues to bother you the 'ignore' feature is available to block viewing from anything a particular user says.


Well-Known Member
funny thing. EVERY link posted was for outdoor growing. post a SINGLE link for indoor and the moon. plants with 0, ZERO, NUL, NONE, NO moon contact.

think that your made up degree on some stupid forum makes you superior.
no see, whats whay you do, you THINK you know.

i DO know. and i can prove it. many times over. i've been growing for a LONG time.

V these were months ago before flowering even began :)


Well-Known Member
thinking comes with research, you seem to have done some of that.

but Knowledge, comes with experiance. something you seen to have very little of.....


Well-Known Member
The evidence goes back to the beginning of agriculture, it's really not a debate as was previously stated.

I apologize for engaging him discourteously for however brief. He put a finger in my eye while being categorically wrong and I let my self get sucked into madness! lol

<-- Mines bigger I win!


Active Member
The research I have provided is based largely on germination rates. That is to say light is not a component in the observation made as the seed is buried and not receiving light in or out doors. You could very easily get by well enough by not factoring the lunar cycle into your equations, but imo that is very foolish because it is one of the easier factors to control with the most beneficial results, just have to time what you do correctly and you will benefit so much. It's strange to see you resist acknowledging such a concept, but I've seen stranger reactions to good advice in my life time


Well-Known Member
:D this is great. a bunch of newbs with unprovable information trying to flame.

see, this is why i stick to advanced cultivation and indoor growin, where most of the people know there shit and can prove it.

it was a great laugh while it lasted. it seems you've all given up tho. you still haven't proven anything.


Haha, i never thought id see the day, a grower uses the newb insult. Its clear where your head is
Good to see your building you rep by regretting coming to help someone.


Active Member
indeed there is nothing to prove to a closed mind. I dont care what forum you frequent, science doesn't are free to test the claims made here for yourself, all you have to do is grow from seed the same genetics under the same conditions, indoors, with germination phased 3 weeks apart from each other and closely monitor the results. I would suggest taking photos daily for comparison and monitoring the reservoir to grow medium weight ratios. While physical observations may be difficult to identify to the untrained eye, the water absorption rates between the medium and the reservoir will change in phase with the moon no matter when the plant is germinated or at what phase in it's genetic cycle it is in.


Well-Known Member
I have more forum rep than you all!! Bow before meh!! I shall slayeth all who disagree with me mighty opinions!! Lmao...

Im surprised I have room to type on this thread. Someones ego is taking up all the space.


Active Member
you should definitely wait until at least the 25th, the moon will be at its max orbit from the earth, meaning the nutrients and fluids in your plant will be drawn down into the root system. i would start flushing immediately up until the 25th, for the best results during curing and eventually clean smoke
Whatever link there might be between MJ plants and the moon, it has nothing to do with gravity. The average gravitational attraction by the moon acting on object on the Earth's surface is about 1/300,000 - about .0003% of the object's weight. The average distance from the moon to the earth is about 382000km. From its apogee to its perigee, its distance from the earth varies by about 6.5% If you plug that into the inv. sq law for gravitation you get a variation of about 13%. That's 13% of .0003% or about .000005% - one part in two million!

In other words, between the times when the moon is closest and furthest, the weight of 1 liter of water in your grow room varies by about 1/1000 gm. This is not going to make a significant difference to the flavor of an MJ plant :)
I will have to agree that relating moon gravity towards plant growing on earth went kinda too far, we don't need to be that specific, maybe moonlight do effect outdoor growing, but indoor growing I couldn't think of anything, however thanks for all the suggestions.

I sprayed my plant with water thoroughly last night, and things got even better, since mites were already under control, just few here and there, I will be doing that as suggested for 6 days.