Can it be root bound in flowering stage?

I have 7 week old Royal Queen Quick ones , 2 of them and i think they have not grown like a week or so... or its been little grow... im thinking mabey they were too big when starting flower. and now they have no where to grow . what do you think is this possible?.
i know they have 2-3 weeks more to grow, so mabey they start to grow a little bit faster in the end.....

What do you think? should i transplant them or they are okey?



Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU, and the wonderful world of cultivating the world's most misunderstood and feared medicines!!!

The only 'advice' I can give you or anyone is to read and learn and then apply what you have read and learned to your garden and you cannot fail. Anyways, remember the search tool is your friend...Lots of folks here willing to help a new farmer get up and growing. But at the end of the day your grow will be only as good as the knowledge and work you put into it.

It is always great to ask questions but do not take anyone's advice or opinions and follow blindly. And remember anyone may have a well-known member status…but that means they have posted and responded to many threads and does not always mean well-educated growerz. Do your own research, you will be much happier knowing you have done it for yourself and by yourself. The first buzz you get from your own by far the BEST high you will ever have!

Do a search using your current question as the keyword(s) and ZOOOM!! Like Wonka's Great Glass Elevator…off you go to tons of threads answering all your questions. Read all the Newbie Central stickies and learn…

Soaking up all that information and sifting through it, is going to take time. You will likely finish your first grow by then. Viola! grow complete and education well under way.

I have 7 week old Royal Queen Quick ones , 2 of them and i think they have not grown like a week or so... or its been little grow... im thinking mabey they were too big when starting flower. and now they have no where to grow . what do you think is this possible?.
i know they have 2-3 weeks more to grow, so mabey they start to grow a little bit faster in the end.....

What do you think? should i transplant them or they are okey?
Your gurlz are fine and looking nice...good job!

Transplanting now: Not a good idea A) they don't need it and B) Transplanting causes shock and slows growth.

Root lock causing slow growth? IMHO doubtful...cannabis plants will slow down stem growth in the last weeks of flowering to shift growth energy to bud is a good thing.


Well-Known Member
I think you simply lack the light to flower any "harder" you need more energy to convert to boost flowering.

flowering uses x2/x3 more of everything. and that main catalyst is light.

try adding another light, whatever you can find, or build.
i have carbon filter in the mittle of grow box and ventilation hole. no odor. who wanna see my filter its funny i got pic. it works great tough...

THANKS FOR $bkbbudz$ and all other great human beings who answered...

I have the temperature over 30 most of the time also now 33.5 it could be problem


Well-Known Member
Correct me if I am wrong...30 degrees Celsius converts to about 86 degrees Fahrenheit right? too hot my friend. That temp is an need to increase ventilation. Your plants are showing signs of heat stress as indicated by the picture:

heat stress.jpg See how the leaf edges are curling up?


Well-Known Member
I have 7 week old Royal Queen Quick ones , 2 of them and i think they have not grown like a week or so... or its been little grow... im thinking mabey they were too big when starting flower. and now they have no where to grow . what do you think is this possible?.
i know they have 2-3 weeks more to grow, so mabey they start to grow a little bit faster in the end.....

What do you think? should i transplant them or they are okey?
grab the plant by its neck and gently let it fall into your hand. look at the root system. is it root bound? if it is go up one pot size and water well. ezpz.


A few extra bits of info would help to diagnose, how long did you veg the plant? When did you transplant into that pot? Has it been vegging for 7 weeks in that pot? What is the size of that pot? Looks like a 3 gallon? What is the medium composed of?

Light, Temperature, Air Quality, Water/nutrients, Soil are all key contributors to the equation of large buds.

At 85 degrees fahrenheit and up the plants stresses and focus their attention on life not growth. No air circulation and the plant is not getting enough new cool CO2 air (plants breathe CO2). Keep the plants 72-77 degrees F is target.

Not the best idea to transfer in the flower stage, I have transferred a couple weeks into flower before, it is not what good growers do. Avoid at all costs, plan ahead.

Definitely looks like small pots and the size of your growing medium definitely contributes to the size of your plant, not sure about your lighting, but especially indoors you are no match to the outdoor power of the sun during the same time span or in the same size pot. You need A LOT of light indoors, thus a lot of cooling, thus a lot of extra for large indoor buds. Also I really think you just flowered a small plant, plants can put on most of their weight in their final weeks...Good luck and look forward to hearing about the turnout.
Sry i dont remember when it started flowering but its autoflower so its not my adjusted. I transplanted them when they were 3 or 4 weeks old. theyr getting the co2 , but they ll have to go to the end with 27-33 degrees C . we are gona find out what turns out.
I have the

tomato soil 3/5 + 1/5 perlite + 1/5 vermiculite.

i think its 3 L pot or smth.

I decided to go to the end same as i planned just spraying them more often with water, and feeding them last time next saturday and then pure water to the end.
Hope they turn out OK . mabey get 15- 20 G .. it qould be nice... but im am an amateur , its experiment so anything is OK..

It was not so well planned as it should have been. So if some day again, ill be smarter again =)

Im gona write here end of JUNE....