Can my girlfriend get in trouble?

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
She could lose her clearance effectively ending her career and her child could be taken by cps(happens alot in Butte county).

Not to mention the attention of thieves puts her and her child at risk, but if she is made aware of the risks and says it's ok then I guess you could.

Is it really worth it for a few grand?


Well-Known Member
if ur a legit card holder then i would do less then ur able to have... u should do 1 or 2 and make sure that it looks like it cant be accessed by her child...

Bayou bud

Active Member
I'd ask her what she thinks, and if she is cool with it, then that is her choice. If she say's no, you gotta respect that because the area is in her name. GORILLA GROW.