Can of Bud ?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
even if you smoked 10lbs of it on one bong hit , you would still not be high , it contains 0.0% thc , the best you could hope for is a head ache , and thats all you will end up with .

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
popular with who ? no one smokes that shit around here , maybe some kids might be smoking it , thinkinng there cool or something ?


Well-Known Member
It's not popular. I have never tried it. Alot of places that sell it don't really let you know that it's not weed. They just sell it to you then wheny ou complain they say "Read the fine print" and it says "THIS PRODUCT IS NOT MARIJUANA!"


Well-Known Member
You'd get a better buzz by going down town & paying a wino to give you his funky underwear then smoking them.


Active Member
Is all this ''Legal bud'' just industrial marijuana? you know the kind they actually grow in fields for agricultural reasons?


Active Member
Again many opinions w/o experience. They point is folks its NOT marijuana. Its not that they copy the weed names but the other way around. Albino Rhino for example.... The Canadian and Euro growers named this strain AFTER the International Oddities version which was the original. Don't take my word for it. Check the old High Times issues. And yes its bud and yes its pretty good...Same is true for Krypto and Dro. Many products. Most are good. Some are great. Thats the facts jack. And before you say anyone who doesnt jump on your negative bandwagon is a sell out.......or works for them (I'll tell ya where to send the check) blow me........


Well-Known Member
Again many opinions w/o experience. They point is folks its NOT marijuana. Its not that they copy the weed names but the other way around. Albino Rhino for example.... The Canadian and Euro growers named this strain AFTER the International Oddities version which was the original. Don't take my word for it. Check the old High Times issues. And yes its bud and yes its pretty good...Same is true for Krypto and Dro. Many products. Most are good. Some are great. Thats the facts jack. And before you say anyone who doesnt jump on your negative bandwagon is a sell out.......or works for them (I'll tell ya where to send the check) blow me........
Then why are they trying to make it look like marijuana and naming them like marijuana? Come on man, fake bud named Panama Gold? Panama Red has been around since 1960-1970. You come here with 2 posts and post this? You don't have any credibility.
Anyone with decent amount of posts that has tried this stuff and can say it gets you high?

Oh and here's your check Mr. International Oddities :finger:


Well-Known Member
"Our legal bud (sometimes called legal weed) products do not contain marijuana, nor are they offered as legal marijuana, marijuana alternatives, legal highs, herbal highs or presented or labeled as such."

this is exactly why its a rip off and exactly why u dont get high..this is on the bottom of the site


Well-Known Member
Again many opinions w/o experience. They point is folks its NOT marijuana. Its not that they copy the weed names but the other way around. Albino Rhino for example.... The Canadian and Euro growers named this strain AFTER the International Oddities version which was the original. Don't take my word for it. Check the old High Times issues. And yes its bud and yes its pretty good...Same is true for Krypto and Dro. Many products. Most are good. Some are great. Thats the facts jack. And before you say anyone who doesnt jump on your negative bandwagon is a sell out.......or works for them (I'll tell ya where to send the check) blow me........
So your saying that your perfectly happy with sitting down & blowing a massive bowl of Albino Rhino or whatever its called after work when you want to chill out.

I can see it now.

Man,i cant wait to get off work so i can puff me some legal herbs,yum yum :spew:

Or how's about this telephone conversation between friends.

Friend.....Hey man whats shakin.

Johnny legal bud.....nothing much just chillin,getting ready to toke up some blueberry sizzle cake.

Friend.....Whats blueberry sizzle cake ?

Johnny legal bud,havent you heard,its the new legal bud,you know,from the same guys that make Albino Rhino.

Friend..... no fukin way man !, ive been dying to smoke some more legal bud,thats awesome !!! ,hold up on toking that bad oscar, i want in !!!!.

Johnny legal bud.....well then you better hurry up & get your ass over here,i cant hold out much longer,just smelling that fake skunk aroma,or looking at all the fake resin on these glue buds is making me want to light this bad boy up. on my way man,your ass better not bogart that shit i'll be there in 15 minutes.

Two hours later .......Johnny legal buds mom walks in to bring them cookies,finds them both throwing up like maniacs & the whole bedroom smells like hot piss,then she sends the friend home & spanks jonny legal buds bare ass for stealing & smoking her spice rack.

Who you kidding,that shits bullshit & you know it.