Can some help me tell if this is ready to harvest?


Well-Known Member
Get a jewelers loop or lighted magnifying glass. Look at the trichomes on the buds. I harvest when there is an even mix of amber and milky ones, more medicinal. If you harvest when more are cloudy the THC will be higher. Here are some good pics if you scroll down on the article.


Well-Known Member
The plant looks great. Fan leaves die it isn't a big deal, especially the lower ones. If your green leaves curl down you are overwatering, it is hard to tell if that is happening on the others. I use a moisture meter that cost like $10 to maintain a good moist soil but not wet.


The plant looks great. Fan leaves die it isn't a big deal, especially the lower ones. If your green leaves curl down you are overwatering, it is hard to tell if that is happening on the others. I use a moisture meter that cost like $10 to maintain a good moist soil but not wet.
I bought one but worried I'd hurt the roots putting it in. Would that not be an issue?


Well-Known Member
No I use just 1 for all my plants, I have 6 growing currently. You won't hurt the roots, if anything it aerates the roots, lol. Push it down in though, you want to measure deep in the pot, not just the top.


No I use just 1 for all my plants, I have 6 growing currently. You won't hurt the roots, if anything it aerates the roots, lol. Push it down in though, you want to measure deep in the pot, not just the top.
Ok thank you. So I should try and maintain a steady moist without too wet or dry? I know when they where younger I read to let them dry out before feeding but now i read I shouldn't do that anymore.


Well-Known Member
I let them hit the dry line on the meter then water. My plants usually fluctuate between the high dry line and the high moist line. I don't ever leave it in the wet zone for fear of root rot.