Can somebody help diagnos this problem


Well-Known Member
I agree, looks like its burnt a bit, send a bit of water through next watering with no nutes.... Enough for some run off but not enough to flush.


New Member
thanks for the replies but i havnt really given them to many nutes?? im using fox farm trio and big bloom and grow big is what i used and i used half of what it said on the chart so im not to sure whats going on.....Just flushed them today though we will see what happens


How often do you flush, id say there is a salt build up in your medium, you saying you only feed hard strength, means i find it hard to believe its nute burn of that kind, however i think its nute burn from the salt build up in your medium, so again how often do you flush and what do you flush with?


New Member
How often do you flush, id say there is a salt build up in your medium, you saying you only feed hard strength, means i find it hard to believe its nute burn of that kind, however i think its nute burn from the salt build up in your medium, so again how often do you flush and what do you flush with?
I used Ocean Forest Fox Farm soil as the medium i flushed with Ph'd water this is the first time i flushed the plants, i do have bushdoctor sledgehammer Has anyone used it ?? with good results?? if so can you tell me how to use it????? but heard some bad things about it hurting your plants didnt want to risk it but might have to use it if they dont show signs of improvement. Well just have to wait and see what happens......


Flushing Your system with water is like washing oil off your hands with water, just doesn't happen, the salts need something to grab onto on the way out in which cannot be done with Just water, you need a flushing agent, or at the very least a very very very low dose of nutrient and run that through your sytem for a few hours getting maximum runoff.