Can somebody please help me


Well-Known Member
they are bag seed. im not buying any seeds until im able to get a better grow setup. and ill only be growing like 1 or 2 at a time which in some peoples eyes will be pointless if my luck is bad and end up with males. but i look at it as i will learn from my mistakes and learn how to properly take care of a plant when i do end up with a female


Well-Known Member
they are bag seed. im not buying any seeds until im able to get a better grow setup. and ill only be growing like 1 or 2 at a time which in some peoples eyes will be pointless if my luck is bad and end up with males. but i look at it as i will learn from my mistakes and learn how to properly take care of a plant when i do end up with a female
:) u have the most important part of growing on lock down right now...patience & a positive attitude!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I try to have patience. I mean i come on here to learn and get help just like the rest of us, but what kills me is all the ignorance and sarcastic remarks people get just for asking questions because they are new and are trying to learn. But those who have successfully grown before think they are like top dawg or better than the next person just because they have done it themselves. But what they lack to remember is that they were new once upon a time to and was seeking help. Just crazy how some of these threads are. Kinda makes me not wanna be here no more and just learn on my own


New Member
well i aint forgot about u i got u under my wing just been busy bro whats up
and fuck them haters i got your back
need any help i can try im not a top dawg but i been around the block and still remember that when i started i didnt know shit

Yeah I try to have patience. I mean i come on here to learn and get help just like the rest of us, but what kills me is all the ignorance and sarcastic remarks people get just for asking questions because they are new and are trying to learn. But those who have successfully grown before think they are like top dawg or better than the next person just because they have done it themselves. But what they lack to remember is that they were new once upon a time to and was seeking help. Just crazy how some of these threads are. Kinda makes me not wanna be here no more and just learn on my own


Well-Known Member
im not really pointing fingers at anybody in particular. just some of these threads ive been on its just crazy.but honestly idk if i should try and start to grow again yet because my setups really shitty and im broke and dont got the money to buy any thing. i mite just keep screwing around and try but not really be super dedicated to it. but i do appreciate your help


New Member
man dont give up we can straighten it out on a budget and do point fingers
we dont need people discouraging new members
u can just pm that info

im not really pointing fingers at anybody in particular. just some of these threads ive been on its just crazy.but honestly idk if i should try and start to grow again yet because my setups really shitty and im broke and dont got the money to buy any thing. i mite just keep screwing around and try but not really be super dedicated to it. but i do appreciate your help


New Member
well just need a few friends to help shout down them haters

im not really pointing fingers at anybody in particular. just some of these threads ive been on its just crazy.but honestly idk if i should try and start to grow again yet because my setups really shitty and im broke and dont got the money to buy any thing. i mite just keep screwing around and try but not really be super dedicated to it. but i do appreciate your help


Well-Known Member
im not really going to give up, im just not going to be as dedicated to it right now until im able to get my space and supplies so i can do it right and wont be disappointed at any situation i might come across. and i really dont got the time right now to pay as much attention to growing right now. i really think my hardest thing is finding something to grow inside of because i cant just leave it wide open with people coming over and stuff. dont want anybody really knowing about because attention creates drama and possibly cops. i just wanna do it right


Active Member
growing outdoors w/your bagseed is cheap. if you find a place you feel good about planting at. I wouldn't give up, that's how you learn, by trying again and again. everybody make mistakes. don't get down on yourself. There are good people on RIU that will help you along the way and there are haters and pot snobs here too. Not too many tho, I've seen worse.
The plant is a weed, it's not too difficult to grow w/basic good care, water, soil and light.


New Member
good attude bro and u r write and the hate for newbies to grow shit as good as theirs

growing outdoors w/your bagseed is cheap. if you find a place you feel good about planting at. I wouldn't give up, that's how you learn, by trying again and again. everybody make mistakes. don't get down on yourself. There are good people on RIU that will help you along the way and there are haters and pot snobs here too. Not too many tho, I've seen worse.
The plant is a weed, it's not too difficult to grow w/basic good care, water, soil and light.


New Member
good attitude bro and u r right and they hate for newbies to grow shit as good as theirs

growing outdoors w/your bagseed is cheap. if you find a place you feel good about planting at. I wouldn't give up, that's how you learn, by trying again and again. everybody make mistakes. don't get down on yourself. There are good people on RIU that will help you along the way and there are haters and pot snobs here too. Not too many tho, I've seen worse.
The plant is a weed, it's not too difficult to grow w/basic good care, water, soil and light.