Can somebody with knowledge about growing help me?


I have just got my medical card and i am about to start of 6 female seeds which include 1 White Russian, 1 Afghaan x black domina, 1 Reserva Privada OG kush and 3 pure Ak) all in soil.

I have my soil, vegative grow nutes (bio-bizz), perlite, Ph up and down, and also root riot cubes which i heard are good for starting seedlings off in. I also have a 600w hps which is dual spectrum i paid big bucks for her.

Now can anyone tell my what pots do i use and when to water for that size of pot? And do i need anything else which would reduce the rate of harming my plants?:wall:

I don't want to screw my plants up and would love any advice guys!


Well-Known Member
The cubes are fine to start in. When the roots start coming thru the bottom of the cube, switch them to solo cups. I would not use the 600 until they get their second set of true leaves at least. Get you some 6500k cfl's and use one for each plant once they come up. I veg them for 4 weeks under these, but I move them outside at that point.


The cubes are fine to start in. When the roots start coming thru the bottom of the cube, switch them to solo cups. I would not use the 600 until they get their second set of true leaves at least. Get you some 6500k cfl's and use one for each plant once they come up. I veg them for 4 weeks under these, but I move them outside at that point.
Thank's for the quick reply! So do i leave the cubes in their tray with the humidity dome over them until the roots show through the bottom? How long do you keep them in the solo cups for?


Well-Known Member
I don't use the humidity dome after they show the first set of leaves, but I check them often to make sure they don't dry out. Make sure you put holes in the bottom of the solo cups. When you can see roots thru the hole it's time to repot. I move them up to 3gal at that point, but you can go as big as you want.


Well-Known Member
You can also just start them in the solos with no humidity dome as long as you can check them at least once a day. They will do fine. I use a seed starting mix with no nutes.


I don't use the humidity dome after they show the first set of leaves, but I check them often to make sure they don't dry out. Make sure you put holes in the bottom of the solo cups. When you can see roots thru the hole it's time to repot. I move them up to 3gal at that point, but you can go as big as you want.
Thanks i will follow by that rule. How much do you usualy yeild then vegging for 4 weeks?


Well-Known Member
I've done dozens of grows and grow for cardholders myself. I've done a lot of experimanting with pot size,
nutes, veg times, etc. Send me a PM for specific questions and I can help you better that way.

How much to water is a factor of age of the plant plus pot size. I usually use 2 1/2 -3 gallon pots and water
with nute water daily. Seedlings get just an oz or 2 daily until they are transplanted into my 4-inch pots for 2 weeks.
I gradually increase the amount of daily nute water until 24 inch veggers are up to 16 oz a day. My flowering gals get 16-24
oz daily. PM with other questions. Be glad to help.
