Can someone check this out?


Active Member
This issue just started to arise a couple days ago and I can already see it progressing...

Its growing in 60 peat moss and 40 perlite with a bit of dolomite lime(prob the issue). Temp is in the 70's but drops at night. Under 600w metal halide 18/6.
I started giving nutes about a week and a half ago as people said that I should have started straight away as its soilless. I started giving quarter strength and have slowly worked my way up. Just under full strength for early growth stage. Using General Hydroponics Flora Series Micro, Gro and Bloom.

The yellowing started maybe 4-5 days ago. Its not progressing that fast but it is definatly getting worse. Feeding goes in at 5.6 ph now as I checked the runoff a week ago and it was above 7 so im trying to bring that down a bit. Alot of people that know about soilless told me not to worry about runoff ph until a problem arises. Getting pretty confused now as its my first grow and im assuming a lockout is at play here.

Please give me some opinions...thanks



Active Member
135 views and nobody has the slightest idea...cmon guys...wanna hit this nail on the head before it spreads worse


Well-Known Member
If you feed it more it will start to burn, little one is all good, probably why nobody replied cause you don't have a problem yet.


Well-Known Member
Thinkin that your over feeding. That girl should be at 400 ppm max. Like half strength usually if you dont have a ppm meter. Give it a flush and it should straighten out if you keep the ppm moving up gradually, slow down toyota. Oh and dont be surprised if the leaves start to get burnt and crispy in the next couple of days from the burn.


They are Fine Bro Don't Stress :) just nurture them through the next few weeks, slowly bump up the nute strength and you'll be fine, if you continue to get yellowing leaves, buy an item called go green! great for common deficiency,


Active Member
Thanks for the info guys...Its the same plant in both photos. I started them on quarter strength, the 2/3 and last feed was full strength in early growth. I was told by a reputable member on here that he grows in coco and usually gives nutes every watering and recommended that I should do so as im in soilless as well...

So I can presume this is overfeeding? And if it gets worse I should flush right?


Thanks for the info guys...Its the same plant in both photos. I started them on quarter strength, the 2/3 and last feed was full strength in early growth. I was told by a reputable member on here that he grows in coco and usually gives nutes every watering and recommended that I should do so as im in soilless as well...

So I can presume this is overfeeding? And if it gets worse I should flush right?
Just knock the nute strength down a touch, and id give it a flush now or whenever you can, then resume. will be fine.