can someone comment on my baby!!!!!!!!!


my baby is 3 months old and is 3 feet 2 inches in height. I was growing it hydroponically with two air bubblers a dual aqua pump and a storage tote using petes all purpose plant food but they just started not looking so good. Droopy leaves thats it, really droopy leaves. so i transplanted it yesterday the 13th back in soil. i live in louisiana so we gettn prewtty bad weather now and the humjidity sucks. So i know that its not an overwatering problem, what could it be? And no my leaves havnt lost color they are still dark green... please any advice will be appreciated


Well-Known Member
That plant is in bad shape... keep it out of direct sun for as long as possible, but make sure it gets 2-3 hours worth. At first glance, I'd say over watering is a huge issue, but the leaves may just be displaying shock. Did you water the soil into the roots real well with no air pockets? Thats a really small pic, but I think I see Nitrogen deficiency.


Well-Known Member
my comment would be that ..your plant does not looked pleased with life. at least you got some practice in


ok yea, they are in tact wtih the soil, i have them in the house in a little grow room i have set up for them its like maybe 150 watt system with an led lamp. the leaves were heavily saturated so i brought them in earlier under week light to dry up now the leaves are dried up. so they are in my lil grow room. any further advice.....please
I had transplanted a plant and it went totally limp, I left it alone and behold 3 days later it perked back up,I would stop ferts and watering, almost looks like root rot,what kind of soil is it in,if just regular dirt could be a lot of clay in it and could be holdin water from draining properly, dig hole get good potting soil and stick it in there,don't of luck my friend,u live and learn, shit even life is trial and error....


I have it in mg. its been that way since start up. I guess im doing the right thing... do you think it will live or die cuz its hard to get over you know what i mean. any advice?
Bring it in doors and put it under your lights,do not feed it any more nutrients. get your fan on it blowing gently.I cant tell if its still in the veg state or if its flowering? Adjust your lights to what ever stage the plant is in.


Well-Known Member
sun shock? if it was indoors and you transplanted it outdoors. Is the water you are using have alot of iron in it?


they havnt started flowering yet. The weather finally cleared up today and the leaves are all dried. The very top of the plant looks like it perked back up but the rest of the leaves are dead. do i still need to worry are is there any hope left??? i will attach a picture of it..



Well-Known Member
maybe someone poisoned it? my wifes done it before.. no I would not put any hope in it bro.


Well-Known Member
my baby is 3 months old and is 3 feet 2 inches in height. I was growing it hydroponically with two air bubblers a dual aqua pump and a storage tote using petes all purpose plant food but they just started not looking so good. Droopy leaves thats it, really droopy leaves. so i transplanted it yesterday the 13th back in soil. i live in louisiana so we gettn prewtty bad weather now and the humjidity sucks. So i know that its not an overwatering problem, what could it be? And no my leaves havnt lost color they are still dark green... please any advice will be appreciated
It was in hydro when it wilted? What color were the roots?

Brown? White?

It sound like severe root rot.(Reservoir temperatures should never get over 70 degrees. 65 is better.)

You may be able to save the plant, but you'll hate doing what's necessary.

First, get a bottle of Rootone powder. Mix a tablespoon in a gallon of water, and drench the soil in the pot.(Rootone contains a very effective fungicide)

Second, remove half the branches. This takes the stress off the root system. Take care to leave any branches that are doing better than the rest.

Mist her hourly, until she shows definite improvement. Keep her in the shade.

I don't know how severe the rot problem is. Even with these extreme measures, it may not revive. Your pic indicates serious problems.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
It really looks like a problem with roots. I agree. If they were not brown and shriveled before they are now. Healing the roots asap is all you can do