can someone give me some advice..?


I have a growbox going with 2 autoflower Afghan Kush Ryders (3 weeks old) under 250 watts of CFL that are 2700K. my lighting schedule is 20/4

I am also germinating like 20 bag seeds for an outdoor grow (not all of them are going to pop), but as they pop I would like to put them in peat pots and place them into my growbox for about week so that they can sprout... can I do this without causing stress to my bag seeds or my autoflower plants?

if this is perfectly fine, how many should I put in at once? remember this is just until they sprout, once I see the plant I will be putting the peat pots outside in regular dirt in the woods.


idk lol I guess I was just worried that the little sprouts would suck up some of the light from my autoflowers lol I'm baked dude idk

do seeds even need light to sprout?

Chronic Indica

Active Member
well that does make sense but it wouldn't be stealing much light at all. just don't adjust your light to squeze them all in just put as many as you can fit. once they pop above the soil they need light to start growing.