Can someone help me find a thread? Please, PLEASE, **pretty** please? :D


Active Member
The other night I was way too baked but was lurking RIU (I'm pretty sure, not 100% though) and found an awesome thread I thought I bookmarked but guess I didn't :wall:

Basically, the poster was documenting a grow beginning to end, but it was more a "informational journal" than anything... like he went through explaining everything in detail, great for a noob like me.

He started off by describing the different hydroponic methods and [I think] saying the pros/cons of each, then he said something like: "For this grow we'll be using bubbleponics. What is bubbleponics? It's a combination between DWC and a 24/7 on drip system, combining the best of both worlds." And then went on in more detail then any of the other systems about it, and I think how he made his...

I'm praying to God someone here knows what thread I'm talking about, or can find it, because I sure as hell can't. I'M NOT BEING LAZY EITHER. I searched, searched some more, looked at "similar threads" from threads I REMEMBER reading... trying to "trace my steps"... and even went through my web browsers history! Nada, nothing, zip. It's like the thread doesn't exist, accept I KNOW it does.

I've lurked here for awhile, soaking up all the info I could, enjoying photos people share, but never once posted because I've always been able to find stuff on my own. This time I can't, so please, someone... help me :-P :leaf:


Active Member
I'm praying to God someone here knows what thread I'm talking about, or can find it, because I sure as hell can't. I'M NOT BEING LAZY EITHER. I searched, searched some more, looked at "similar threads" from threads I REMEMBER reading... trying to "trace my steps"... and even went through my web browsers history! Nada, nothing, zip. It's like the thread doesn't exist, accept I KNOW it does.
I don't know if it's because my laptop died (left it unplugged) or not before closing Chrome, but I couldn't find it.


New Member
did u post on thread or remember anyones name that posted if u do i can find it

The other night I was way too baked but was lurking RIU (I'm pretty sure, not 100% though) and found an awesome thread I thought I bookmarked but guess I didn't :wall:

Basically, the poster was documenting a grow beginning to end, but it was more a "informational journal" than anything... like he went through explaining everything in detail, great for a noob like me.

He started off by describing the different hydroponic methods and [I think] saying the pros/cons of each, then he said something like: "For this grow we'll be using bubbleponics. What is bubbleponics? It's a combination between DWC and a 24/7 on drip system, combining the best of both worlds." And then went on in more detail then any of the other systems about it, and I think how he made his...

I'm praying to God someone here knows what thread I'm talking about, or can find it, because I sure as hell can't. I'M NOT BEING LAZY EITHER. I searched, searched some more, looked at "similar threads" from threads I REMEMBER reading... trying to "trace my steps"... and even went through my web browsers history! Nada, nothing, zip. It's like the thread doesn't exist, accept I KNOW it does.

I've lurked here for awhile, soaking up all the info I could, enjoying photos people share, but never once posted because I've always been able to find stuff on my own. This time I can't, so please, someone... help me :-P :leaf:


Active Member
Ughh no I never posted, or remember who it was... but I'll try. I'm going through my history again, maybe I missed it.


Active Member
No I'm pretty sure it was oldish. I did a search, went through some threads, clicked some links... got lost basically lol.


Active Member
Omg, I love you! Yes, yes it was :D

I feel kind of stupid though, I looked at that thread from my history but didn't scroll down far enough to see the part I recognized... oh well, thanks again!


New Member
well i told u i would try to help u
thats why im here i go the extra mile as others have done for me
btw thats a good thread and roseman has some great post