Can someone help me identify this?

I can't tell if this is some type of fungus or nute burn. Its been working its way from the top down on 2 of my 3 plants. Slowly working its way along the leaves, drying them out. It doesn't seem to be affecting the buds. Its 4 weeks into flower, in organic soil, under 400 watt HPS and LED. I had been giving it 4 tsp of tiger bloom a week along with regular watering. Lately though, Ive only given it water, because I thought it may be a problem such a salt build up. But its only getting worse. So, can anyone help me identify this or provide solutions?



It's the plant burning its chlorophyll to develop the buds. Looks good to me. Most weed plants yellow towards the final harvest phase. You should be good. Nic nugs

allen bud

Active Member
flush it with 4 times the water used for regular feeding and watch the new growth. the old burnt leaves wont repair but new leaves should be better
thanks for the help everyone. I'm giving it a really thorough flush tonight with distilled water. Gonna be watching closely for the next few days for sure