Can Someone Help Me With a Simple Electricity Cost, Im A Little Confused, Have Info


okay, i am running 2 400 watt systems from htg supply it is the magnetic/coil version, so im assuming about 450watt each =900watts and 1 inline fan that puts out about 100 watts...

my electric company charges .1185300 im almost positive on my last bill seen those number, if it dont look right, the decimal may be wrong, but i normally round it to 12 cents.

the one 400watt system runs 12 hrs on and 12 off a day (prob 450 with ballast)
the other 400 watt system runs 18/6 along with the inline fan 100 watts. (about 550)

so im estimating 1 kwh is my rate so it should be easy to do but i dont think im doing it right.. if someone could maybe do the simple math for me i would appreciate it ..

i normally take the 1 kwh (.1185) x 18 = 1.98 x 28 (day) = 55.44 ... that cant be right and thats just one light on at 18 hours not included the inline fan an the others..


Well-Known Member
Your 400w running @12hrs/day should run you about $19.44 for a 30 day period figuring your $.12/kWh number.
Your 400w running @18hrs/day should run you about $38.88 for the same 30 day period at the same rate.
Your fan running @18hrs/day should run you about $8.64 for the same period at the same rate.
Add these together and you'll get $66.96 for the month.

What you're lacking is what the tiers are that you electric utility uses. They charge a base rate and after a certain # of killawatt hours it goes up and then there will be a different level of usage where it will go up again and so on. Mine gets as high as $.34/kWh if I use enough power.


i've been using cfl's and just jumped to a 400w HPS and I can run my hottub for a night and it costs more than my lights for a month


could u maybe explain how you did that math for me? ..

and for the one running at 18/6 did you include the inline fan?

thats crazy i cant believe it cost that much.. it makes me want to think about LED or something, i def dont want to stay with flourescent, i have one running right now doing a good job, but idk how they flower, i just want a good set up to produce some good buds ya know.. i live at home with my mom and she kinda knows what up, its slowly went up an actually seen my operation, but maybe still start randomly giving her like 50 a month towards bills.. our bill alone is like 300 an change so she prob wont even notice lol


Well-Known Member
wattage x hours/1000 x $.10 per kWh = operating cost
This is the formula I used except I used $.12 since you said you were rounding the per kWh up to $.12 and I used the 450 watts figure you threw out there. I'll tell you though that I think I'm using the same ballast and bulb as you and mine draws 460 watts on a "kill-a-watt" meter.
I did not include the fan in the 18/6 deal. that's why I listed it seperate.
Hope we helped you bro...Sorry I didn't answer you sooner about the formula, I was at the Brother-in-laws for the afternoon drinking, smoking, eating and playing Bocce Ball (sp?). Never played it before but it was fun