Can someone identify sex from these pictures?


That one at least is probably herm, but it's not the end of the world. There will still be plenty of bud there, and you'll probably even get a few seeds out of the ordeal. It'll be fine for personal smokables, but probably not marketable unless you feel like making some hash.


Well-Known Member
your so far along its totally not work chopping and starting from scratch... finish it out and enjoy it because it looks pretty dank!

ive never had a hermied plan throw seeds, i have herd that they have a higher tendancy to turnout hermie themselves. correct me if im worng.


Well-Known Member
hermie seeds have a good chance of being hermie as well... If you could take pollen from the hermie you have now and save it, you could pollinate a couple lower branches on a female in the near future and get a bunch of feminized seeds! Someone correct me if i'm wrong, but i believe you get feminized beans from using hermie pollen on a female plant.


Well-Known Member
Wow if your grower or whomever wants to just throw that plant out and start over, I think that's just crazy. If you don't want it, I'll take it lol. The bud looks really nice and you may get a few seeds. The seeds you get will either be Female or Hermie (no males), I believe. For 3 weeks along, that is a vigorous looking plant.


Thanks everyone for your thoughts. The seeds...if they do come (and I suspect they will,) are really of no interest or so I'm told. There are apparently some pretty healthy mothers for cuttings. Does anyone have any thoughts on how much longer these have given the look of the flowers so far before harvest. Any thoughts on seed density?