Can someone please help me


Active Member
Im newbie as you see and i want to ask why there is those brown spots on the leafs?I want to take care of the problem if there is one at the beggining.



Active Member
Could be a touch of nute burn, how old is your plant? They don't need fertilizer until after 3-4 weeks from seed. If there is fertilizer in your soil, it may be too much for the seedling. Also, it is normal for the little round leaves to die and fall off after a few weeks so don't worry about those. More info is needed about your grow to make a diagnosis.


Well-Known Member
What kind of soil are you using? MG if not used right can burn your seedlings, it happened to me with my entire first grow


Active Member
Could be a touch of nute burn, how old is your plant? They don't need fertilizer until after 3-4 weeks from seed. If there is fertilizer in your soil, it may be too much for the seedling. Also, it is normal for the little round leaves to die and fall off after a few weeks so don't worry about those. More info is needed about your grow to make a diagnosis.
They are 15 days old and i only use pure water
Temperature in box is around 80F tho i dont know if its normal temperature since in one place people says lowryder2 grows good in that heat but on another places they say its too hot so i cant really decide heh

What kind of soil are you using? MG if not used right can burn your seedlings, it happened to me with my entire first grow
I use this soil here is the Pic of it..its not in English but i think you can understand
I really dont know if its good soil for new plants but i thought that more expensive is the soil at shop its best for plants
I planted seeds straight away in the pot with this soil(I didnt use any wet towels and such)

Thanks for helping newbie ;)



Well-Known Member
IMHO, just because it's the most expensive probably doesn't mean it's the best for all phases of the plants growth. It might be too hot for seedlings...


Active Member
IMHO, just because it's the most expensive probably doesn't mean it's the best for all phases of the plants growth. It might be too hot for seedlings...
So the soil looks good from that pic i took?
Yeah i will make it bit cooler in box and then see how things goin on ;)
And 77F would be good yeah?


Active Member
80 is not too high to grow in. My babies are growing in 87-89 degrees everyday (I live in Arizona lol). I noticed little brown spots on my leaves one day too though and it was cause when I watered I got a little water on the leaf and the water acts as a magnifying glass and cause burn spots.


Active Member
80 is not too high to grow in. My babies are growing in 87-89 degrees everyday (I live in Arizona lol). I noticed little brown spots on my leaves one day too though and it was cause when I watered I got a little water on the leaf and the water acts as a magnifying glass and cause burn spots.
Actually that can be problem too because when they was lil i didnt pay attention alot when i was watering them

Anyway thanks for Your help here gonna see how things goin on and if they will go on bad side i gonna look for help again here ;)


Active Member
Yeah you gotta be careful with that. We bend out plants to the side while we water them, that way we're making the stem take a little torture and get stronger.


Active Member
Lol by too hot I believe he meant the soil. When talking about soil too hot simply means there is too much nutrients for the plant, in this case your seedling. What does the soil bag say it is intended for?