Can Someone Please Help


hey guys i took two more pics are a little better. and can zoom in please help with sexing plant thanks ps or please tell me if pics still too far away but im so sorry guys its the best i can do with shithouse camera phone and i think the plant is around 10wks old not to sure
hey im a firstime grower and new to the site im having difficulty identifing if this plant is male or female or to early to tell please any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated thanks guys
check where the main stem's nodes go out and it'll get white hairs called pistils that are for females, or seed pod bannana like things which is a male, it looks like you need to wait 2 weeks or so, but pics are too far to tell


Well-Known Member
How old is it? Has it been on 12/12? For how long?

Theres a thread in my signature with pictures of a male and female if you need to ID.


check where the main stem's nodes go out and it'll get white hairs called pistils that are for females, or seed pod bannana like things which is a male, it looks like you need to wait 2 weeks or so, but pics are too far to tell

so im pretty sure that i told you the same thing in your other thread! lol


Active Member
if you havent done so put the plant through 12hours light and 12 dark and after 3-4 days if its being grown indoor you see the pistils coming out of the nodes


Well-Known Member
^Excellent pics.

Yeah, we need close-ups of the upper internodes if we are to be able to sex it for ya. I think i can see some little balls in the last pic, but that's a longshot. Give us some new pics, and we'll be able to help you out. :)


Well-Known Member
Ahhhh, I see.

Still really hard to tell. Still looks like there could be some little balls on 'em, but the pics aren't close enough to be able to know for sure. Sorry man, wish we could help more. :)