Can someone please tell me what the hell this is .. ? (Rusty Brown spots on leaves)

take 5-6 egg shells and grind them up as fine as you can. put 2 tsp in 1 gallon of water. Let it sit for 2-3 days, shake it up a few times a day or use a fish air pump. Use that on your next watering. I have done this and it works.
Yeah i still have loads left and thats sitting there now so i'll water again in 2-3 days so it'll soak up all the calcium :) I'll keep you guys up to date ! If you have any more advice dont hesitate to post :) Thanks everyone !

Jah bless


Well-Known Member
Just seems odd to me that you'd get deficiencies so soon in any half decent compost if there wasn't some other factor involved. Was the compost made from a variety of ingredients, or was it just grass cuttings or something else specific? Organic grows shouldn't suffer from deficiencies or nute-tox in the first few weeks unless the soils is really, really bad....unless the grower is doing something else wrong. Overwatering is a prime suspect because it is very easy to love your plant to death ;)

It probably isn't overwatering to tell the truth (that's kind of my standard IT "have you tried switching it off and on again?" response), since your leaves aren't really showing any other signs of that, but overwatering is extremely common, and causes a host of problems including pH lockouts. If it were my plant I would probably be letting the soil dry out as much as I dared after flushing and just see how it goes. It is far from terminal looking yet.
I think you have a case of Leaf Spot Fungus,AKA: Rust Spot.If left unchecked it will eventually fry the effected leaves.It's a fungal disease that is inside the plant and is often caused by over watering or poor drainage in your soil,but not always.Many plants are susceptible to it,including cannabis.Get yourself a copper based anti fungal spray and get on it as soon as you can.Your plants are pretty young,read the directions on the bottle well .Good Luck and I'm sorry for the bad news.Make sure you let us know how this turns out for ya.:leaf:
I was thinking that too at the start... Thats true, i had drainage problems for a while but i sorted that out. I heard that baking soda and water helps alot with the "rust" fungus. . . ? ? (btw, my plant is a lowryder so its half way there)
Just seems odd to me that you'd get deficiencies so soon in any half decent compost if there wasn't some other factor involved. Was the compost made from a variety of ingredients, or was it just grass cuttings or something else specific? Organic grows shouldn't suffer from deficiencies or nute-tox in the first few weeks unless the soils is really, really bad....unless the grower is doing something else wrong. Overwatering is a prime suspect because it is very easy to love your plant to death ;)

It probably isn't overwatering to tell the truth (that's kind of my standard IT "have you tried switching it off and on again?" response), since your leaves aren't really showing any other signs of that, but overwatering is extremely common, and causes a host of problems including pH lockouts. If it were my plant I would probably be letting the soil dry out as much as I dared after flushing and just see how it goes. It is far from terminal looking yet.

Na man, the compost i used was made out of all sorts of things, like hay, rabbit manure, tomato plants, potatoes just a whole pile of stuff ^^ Yeah i know.. I was very surprised about that, but it might be a fungus like Foothills said. The plant was overwatered once so far (Leak in cover) I made a mini greenhouse, which is very necessary since i live in ireland and it rains every 2 seconds... I let the plant dry out but the brown spots still were spreading. Pretty quick to be honest. By what happened to the first leaf with the spots, id say if i dont do anything to stop it spreading, the plant will die in a week. Its very fast :/ And i dont want my first grow to end like this ^^


Active Member
Does it seem to stick to the bottom leaves next to the soil? Sometimes one of mine will get that on 1 or 2 leaves but as long as it's only on the bottom
leaves I don't worry about it. I find it sorts itself out. The 1 thing I wouldn't do is chase the problem as this could create more problems. If you spray and treat
for many different things you can really throw things out of whack. I used to be so anal about the leaves and if 1 or 2 went bad I'd be checking the plant problems
and stressing over it. Sometimes leaves go bad...
Does it seem to stick to the bottom leaves next to the soil? Sometimes one of mine will get that on 1 or 2 leaves but as long as it's only on the bottom
leaves I don't worry about it. I find it sorts itself out. The 1 thing I wouldn't do is chase the problem as this could create more problems. If you spray and treat
for many different things you can really throw things out of whack. I used to be so anal about the leaves and if 1 or 2 went bad I'd be checking the plant problems
and stressing over it. Sometimes leaves go bad...
It started at the bottom, but as you can see on the pic of the whole plant, its getting to the top. I didnt worry about it at the start, but since it killed the first affected leaf, i am very worried now that it'll spread to the rest and kill the whole plant :/ Im just worried that its spreading so quickly !


Well-Known Member
The baking soda and water may work for ya.I know gardeners use it as a spray all the time.I have no experience with it.I do know a copper based anti fungus spray (Walmart) can work as I've been there,done that.Again,Good Luck and I hope they all recover for ya. :leaf:
The baking soda and water may work for ya.I know gardeners use it as a spray all the time.I have no experience with it.I do know a copper based anti fungus spray (Walmart) can work as I've been there,done that.Again,Good Luck and I hope they all recover for ya. :leaf:
Yeah, i hope it works too.. Thanks man :)
I think i know what it is ... spidermites ! I had a close up look at the plant today and they were just sitting there... there was like 5 of them. I dont know how i missed them the other times i looked at the plant.. I'll try and get rid of em with alcohol as i cant get my hands on neem oil.
Right, i treated the plant with a soap and water mix to kill off any spidermites i missed. Anyway, after feeding the plant with calcium, the problem is still present and getting worse. The plant looks a bit sad now. The leaves are all drooping a tiny bit. One of the leaves is slowly turning yellow. Heres two pics i took 2 hours ago. I am clueless ! I really need some advise :/

2012-09-03 11.11.38.jpg 2012-09-03 11.12.12.jpg


Well-Known Member
i get them spts from a bug called thrip that attack the root and then develop in to small white flys try using thrip killer or "knat off" just a possibility, plus u sed it was outside or u used rainwater from outside so more chance f bugs gettn to it
i get them spts from a bug called thrip that attack the root and then develop in to small white flys try using thrip killer or "knat off" just a possibility, plus u sed it was outside or u used rainwater from outside so more chance f bugs gettn to it
I checked my soil a couple of times and never saw any bugs other than the occasional ant, wood louse or spider (obviously not spider mite ^^) on the leafs i noticed some small black bugs but they didnt seem to do any damage. I removed em anyway, and they never came back.


Well-Known Member
It's not a deficiency it's an overdose. Somehow, some way. Mag/Cal deficiency shows late, not in plants this young.
It's not a deficiency it's an overdose. Somehow, some way. Mag/Cal deficiency shows late, not in plants this young.
Well, who will i believe then, some say its a deficiency, some say its bugs, some say its a fungus, and you say its a nute burn... ^^ I thought nute burns start off at the tips ? And can a homemade compost give an overdose ? Dont be tricked by the size of the plant, it actualy is 6 weeks old ! It had a very very slow start and now it started growing normaly, this happens ! Could it be something to do with a small root system maybe ?
Heres another update on my plant damage. Its getting very bad now. The leaves are getting crispy, twisted and look awful... I still dont know what the hell it is.. :/ Now im thinking it could be the PH but as im using compost, this shouldnt be the case.. Any suggestions?

2012-09-04 18.38.16.jpg2012-09-04 18.38.30.jpg2012-09-04 18.38.38.jpg

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
is it an auto? a clone? how old is it?

the soil uuummm, its dry so the root mass (if theres any) will hold the soil it ocupys together, so re pot it into any garden potting compost you get at homestore and more or garden centre, give her a good watering, and let sit until dry again then a good watering again, this will help push the roots out into the compost, when it gets into that it`ll take in nutes and should stabalise for you.....(if it lives that long)...;)

irish also, and our season has been crap so far, worst weather in 50 years so don`t loose hope theres lads with vegged plants 2 ft tall at the start that never got any bigger either or were rained out....

check into the irish thread, lots more of us at it aswell...;)