can someone recognize the strain?


Well-Known Member
Its a sativa, could be close to harvest with all of that fox tailing. get a good close look at the trichs(little crystals on the leaves) they will turn cloudy when ready and the pistils will recede in as many of them appear to be doing


Well-Known Member
You "came across this plant"? Like, what, sitting on the sidewalk? Sounds like maybe it belonged to someone else first? Ask the person who grew it out what strain it is. If you stole it, get the fuck outta here.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by...I came across this plant??? did you find it??? cuz iffin you did, you took somebody's heart and soul.


New Member
You "came across this plant"? Like, what, sitting on the sidewalk? Sounds like maybe it belonged to someone else first? Ask the person who grew it out what strain it is. If you stole it, get the fuck outta here.
friend grew it, and he has no idea what it is.. just some random seed, why the fuck would people stole shit they can grew them self? get the fuck outta here


Well-Known Member
When did your friend start flowering? That would help to know when it should be done. When is he planning on harvesting?
"why the fuck would people stole shit they can grew them self?" Cuz they're lazy ass scum of the earth, lower than root slime on the evolutionary scale. :hump:


New Member
When did your friend start flowering? That would help to know when it should be done. When is he planning on harvesting?
"why the fuck would people stole shit they can grew them self?" Cuz they're lazy ass scum of the earth, lower than root slime on the evolutionary scale. :hump:
at first he was flowering it with 2x125w cfls for about a week or two, then switched to 250w hps.. he is flowering them for about two months, give or take.. the problem is, he cant see the trichs, he has a no good scope, and the camera qualty sucks.. almost all the leaves are fallen of or pretty much yellow soo thats a sign.. but still dont know for shure and would appreciate your opinion :D


New Member
by the way i get your point about stealing plants, but we dont do that kind of shit around here, so that is why this whole thing was a bit strange to me :D


Active Member
Another week, chop hang dry. It's a strain called..... "finish it right and it'll treat you right"