Can someone respectfully critique my indoor setup? First time grow


New Member
I recently transferred my 2 autos and 1 photoperiod plants to my off campus apartment into a closet set up. I have been reading the forums and have managed to get a lot of supplies but I want to know if I'm missing anything. I've posted pics of the grow room below but I'm not sure they are horizontal and not vertical? I have the problem of heat using the 1000wHPS and 400W MH + T5 so this heavy duty fan Sucks it out pretty well, I also crack my windows. I lined the closet with mylar and the tiny opening (It's the best Idea I had). I'm worried about my plants getting too stressed and dying, I can't tell if they look over watered, under watered, or simply heat stressed? I have a timer too but I haven't found use for it yet. Let me know what you guys think so far...I just got 6 new seeds in today so I want it to be a good enough environment before I start germinating them. thanks

-I've been swapping my MH and HPS every other day because I wasn't sure what to do with both of them, meanwhile keeping my T5's on all the time until night

-I have 3 gallon air pots so I've been watering them often, I gave the big plant 1 gallon alone yesterday

- I'm thinking I will need to load up on some more oscillating fans? And I'm planning to get a thermometer/humidity reader becuase before I had that heavy duty fan it was getting very hot..

photo 1.jpgphoto 4.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 5.jpgphoto 1-3.jpgphoto 2-3.jpgphoto 2-2.jpgphoto 3-3.jpgphoto 4-3.jpgphoto 5-2.jpgphoto 1-2.jpgphoto 5-1.jpgphoto 4-2.jpgphoto 3.jpg


Well-Known Member
how much bud would you like to get from the closet?.

how do you mean you haven't found a use for the timer? are you not using it to make the plants flower or are they autos?if you are flowering i would just go with the 1000hps and leave out all the other lighting, a 1k is more than enough for a little space like that.
this will help if you are suffering high temperatures, otherwise i would say for such a ghetto set-up the plants look good, well done.

also wise idea to get a thermohygrometer (yes that's what it's called lol) a max/min reading is great for finding out how much of swing occurs in your temp


New Member
As much as I possibly can man...I ordered all autos this time. I accidentally planted a photoperiod freebie seed this summer which I realize it the big one growing and has yet to autos are already flowering and they have buds on them so this is why I'm switching the HPS with MD and the guy at the grow store told me to get the T5 lighting to increase my underfoilage bud growth? Each auto I ordered is supposedly in a high yield range of 200-300grams a plants (assuming ideal conditions I'm guessing) So I'd like to hit that range at least. I was planning to grow 6 autos in there at a time eventually. As for the timer I guess its just used for setting off my HPS light? I hooked up my ballast to it and it keep shutting on and off so I pulled it because I thought it my blow up? I thought maybe It wasn't meant for HID lighting power? And I will definitely get the thermohygrometer you speak of thanks


Well-Known Member
deff hit the nail on the head there ghb.. so far so good,but damn you got a piss load of light for your lil closet.. imho i would use the 1000wtt and be done with it.. use the rest of the lights for other reasons like clones or vegging.. airflow is critical.. your running auto's so the timer you can set to 18 hours on and 6 off. or 20 on and 4 off.. auto's will do good in almost all type's of light.. so set the 1000wtt and use hps if possible for flower..plants look good so keep on the keeping on.. low stress is the best.. heat will cause taco looking leaves and curling.. less lights mean less heat,but one good light will be the best idea..i run a 1000wtt in a 5x5x7 tent. and get 2-3 0z off each plant and they never get over 4 ft tall ,, you will get the hang of it..:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
don't be expecting 300g a plant with autos i would think more like 30, the little one you have budding will not even give that i don't think.

if i were you id put the timer on to 12/12 and just flower the regular plant you have, assuming its a female. that one alone will give more than 6 autos


Well-Known Member
if its an auto you should be growin git under 18/6 or 20/4 lighting, it dosent need to go 12/12 to flower and putting it on 12/12 will reduce your final yield. Also autos don't need to be topped as topping slows down veg growth and with autos they only veg for a set amount of time, so topping an auto will generally result in a smaller overall plant.


you need a lot of edumacation. Look up hygrohybrid on YouTube. You can't expect to win the oscar the first time you filmed a movie..


Well-Known Member
if its an auto you should be growin git under 18/6 or 20/4 lighting, it dosent need to go 12/12 to flower and putting it on 12/12 will reduce your final yield. Also autos don't need to be topped as topping slows down veg growth and with autos they only veg for a set amount of time, so topping an auto will generally result in a smaller overall plant.
lol just realised I put this reply in the wrong thread d'oh :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
ok after going thru the pics again you will need to do a few things.. the boost buddy will need to be hung above the plants.. co2 is heavier then o2 so it will fall.. the lights you have is good. stick with the 1000wtt for flower.. the big plant will need to be trimmed down to fit the rest of the plants.. use the cuts for clones and the t-5 will work for the clones.. but the big plant won't flower until the light schedule goes down to 12/12.. auto's will still grow and flower under 12/12 but really do best under 18 hrs of light.. if you can put the clones and auto's separate from the photo plant until it finishes flowering you will have rooted clones and a new room ready to put everything in after the photo finishes.. or just flower out the big photo plant and run the others under the t-5 until it finishes and then put them all in the closet with the 1000wtt and grow on..its best to have a vegg room and a flower room IF possible...


New Member

  • Thanks for all the replies guys I'm starting to understand it now. And @ bass1014, thanks for the Co2 tip i will place it higher ontop of my light fixture at night when it cools. I like my photoperiod because the yield possibility but the autos are sounding much more manageable for my setup and experience at this point...I have two new autos that just germinated today but from reading your guys posts it sounds like its going to be a problem timing the lighting for the new seedlings that require 24 hours along with the photoperiod plant that requires 12/12? (photo and autos in the closet now have been growing for 65 days now lol?) The autos are stunted because I planted them July 23rd, pretty late in the summer and sun/day was shortening + cold plus no care because I moved up to school..Now they are here and I'm trying to get them as fat as I can.(not sure when they r ready im just feeding them as much light/nut they can possibly handle by switching every other day between MH HPS and constant T5) But from what you guys r saying, I will stop using my MH altogether and use just the HPS for both current autos and photo. Is 65 days long enough for my photo to start flowering? How much longer and what should I do? Theres so much info with these photos which is why I previously wanted all autos...oops. I do actually have a separate closet in my living room which is perfect for growing too (slightly smaller) close to front door...should I start my new seeds in there with the t5 lighting? I have only one ballast with that expensive ass kit I bought..maybe I'll purchase another cheap light fixture from home depot for the MH? Sorry for all these questions btw...I just want my plants to be healthy.

    -The newly germinated seeds..should I plant them directly into my 3 gallon air pots? or transplant using solo cups with holes? I've read mixed ideas on this method...should I separate them completely from my current closet or separate the photo?

    -My main goal is to have these 6 new auto seedlings thriving in this closet. So the sooner these other 3 plants are finished the better, but still I'd like to get my best yields possible...hmm​
