Can someone tell me what’s eating my plants leaves?

Caterpillars tend to have more of an attention span, they keep eating at the same spot. If its the beetles they will be most numerous in the hot sunshine, and they leave widespread damage like shown, and fast. They show up, mate, lay eggs in the ground, and then start eating your plants. The grubs are just as bad.

I had a bit of damage but catnip/beetle tea has slowed it down to a non-issue.
Good eye, that does look exactly like caterpillar shit.
What are the black things in the first pic? Poops?
I didn’t even notice them until you said it. I went and looked and I do believe it is.
I didn’t even notice them until you said it. I went and looked and I do believe it is.
I'm always looking close-up and this zoom feature on RIU is great. From my experience with pests sometimes nature makes them so they are the perfect colour of the plant and so are sometimes sitting in plain sight normally along the grooves of the leaf or stem.
I'm always looking close-up and this zoom feature on RIU is great. From my experience with pests sometimes nature makes them so they are the perfect colour of the plant and so are sometimes sitting in plain sight normally along the grooves of the leaf or stem.
Much appreciated. My first time growing and will take all the info I can get. I’m going to have a hard look through all my plants today and after dark.
Caterpillars tend to have more of an attention span, they keep eating at the same spot. If its the beetles they will be most numerous in the hot sunshine, and they leave widespread damage like shown, and fast. They show up, mate, lay eggs in the ground, and then start eating your plants. The grubs are just as bad.

I had a bit of damage but catnip/beetle tea has slowed it down to a non-issue.
Yes that is the same active ingredient I was talking about in the B.t. spray. The D.E. spread around the plants was a good idea as well.

Id continue to use that on cycles probably once every 7-10 days.. as well as alternating with something like neem until we get well into flower.

usually if you spray and let dry theyre good until reapplication even if it rains during meantime. Try to do it on a windy day and spray very well under the leaves. They will dry, and then when the pests eat them next, they'll stop. The D.E. will help stop the ants and other soft bodied pests your dealing with and its safe for humans, pets, plants, etc.
What’s the D.E. You mentioned?
It is like walking on razor blades to many pest

It’s Earwigs!!! Just went out with a flashlight and had them on the plants.
Excellent, sorry those dots looked just like caterpillar poop. I would recommend DE. Sprinkle it inside the rim of your pots. Reapply after any heavy waterings.