Can someone tell me whats going on with my plant?


Hey everyone.... My plants just started doing this and im wondering whats going on!! What do you think?


Im seeing little yellow spots on the leaves.. basically just around the edges..


Active Member
check ph and what type of soil are you using make sure your not burning them how much nutruents are you using?


Well-Known Member
From a noob to weed point of view, Nute burn?? Not the little dots but the edges burning. Starting at all the lower leaves guess but dont take it for fact. GL!!

Just seen the soil, never grew anything in soil, can you nute burn with soil? No worries others will help you out that are more experienced!!


New Member
soundsl ike looks like nute burn could be the plants have outgrown there pots my white widows love to be grown in 1 gallon pots then transfered into 10 gallon pots wow !


I've checked the ph its around 6.5, I have not added any other nutrients to it yet, its about 3 weeks old in veg. Im basically letting it thrive off the fox farm ocean forest's nutrients till its all flushed out, should be adding nutrients to it soon (i would think?).


Active Member
I would almost just give one of the effected plants some liquid plant food and see if it greens up a bit. I got the same problem though, i just can't find my fucking plant food lol.

chuck taylor

Active Member
yeah looks like burn y the nutes so early tho the first three week they r good off of whats in the soil and just plain water

Can't speak for the yellow edging, but those spots looks a little like mite activity. However, the plants do seem to be young for that kind of problem. Wish you well!


Active Member
if you are useing potting soil they have time relese ferts in them and it may be to much for them,that looks like nute burn to me good luck peace and grow on

jack the beanstalk

Active Member
I hate to argue but I think you guys are way off. This looks like too much N but it's not over fert. Your P and K are too low in comparison. I would feed with some Morebloom fish fert 0-10-10 to balance the hot soil or other nutrients out. If you are adding N, you could alternately turn that back. The Fox Farms O-F is hot enough to burn plants on it's own. A good flush and some P and K will balance this out I believe.


So you think, I should keep watering with regular water till the fox farms oceans forest nutes are completly flushed out before I add any other nutrients? I havent used any nutrients to the soil yet at all. Will the problem maybe fix? its bout 3 weeks veg. Or could it be finaly wanting some food?


Active Member
That's a tough one. It does look like nute burn, but it's only in OF soil. Like jack said, that stuff is hot though. You def aren't lacking N, bc there is no pale color, just those crispy tips. I would water thoroughly and keep close watch, and if you think it needs it add the 0-10-10, but I'm on my first real grow, although have been researching for years.