Can someonen confirm if this is a hermaphrodite?


Active Member
Those look like nanners to me, I could be wrong but my guess is that it's a hermie. I'm a nub, so take my wisdom at face value, haha.
OK so then pull it right? there are about 10 beautiful tall females surrounding it and I have been really good with getting the guys out so I dont want to ruin it now. Just kills me cause its very large and its basically all female other than this one or two spots


Well-Known Member
If all pics are from the same plant then, 100% herm. Get it away from your female plants (far, far away!) if you want to keep it. I would kill it if it were mine. Or if its your only plant keep it, but I'm almost positive you dont want to use the seeds you get from it because they are likely to produce hermies as well. Sorry for your luck.


Well-Known Member
you def missed the got pollen from somewhere....sorry bro....that sucks...unless you wanted them to do that, i guess:joint: