Can spider mites turn the plant yellow?

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Spider mites usually present as small white/yellow specks on the leaves and the buggers hiding on the underside.
If it is a uniform yellowing, then the plants are hungry for more nutes, or you have a PH lock out situation if you are giving enough nutes. Soil or hydro? How far along in veg/flowering? Day and night temps? What are you using and feeding. The more info the better the answers will be.
Hey Dirty Harry,

I am running hydro. I am at week 7 in flowering. I am running 6X6 rockwool cubes, watering one time a day for 7 mins. Temps have been around 78-65 at night. I am feeding the 3part/budcandy/bigbud powder/ ppms 1600-1800 ph is always at 5.5-6.0



Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
That looks like nute burn. Even yellowing without the damages ridges and tips is a sign of the plant being hungry. Try lowering your PPM and see if that helps. It does not look like mites. If I am wrong, someone will speak up I am sure. Some yellowing at the final stages of flower is normal for most, but I don't think your that far along and it just looks like nute burn IMHO.