Can SS expire?


i found remnants of an old batch from 10 months ago in an garbage bin. Didn't smell funny so i used in one pot, and it worked fine if not better then 1-month-cooked stuff IMO


Active Member
i left a stalk and root ball in the contaner after harvest, and a coulpe mounths later it composted all the roots and part of the stem. good way to clean you used soil, just let it keep composting


Well-Known Member
you guys are all wrong if the mix goes anaerobic you will have put it in the sun and let it dry out and build you micro pop again.
but it will last a few years before this happens so long as its not overly wet.


Active Member
SS shouldn't have a shelf life.

If your on top of your remaining SS supply in the first place and mix regularly ahead of time, why not just mix the remainder from the old batch with the new batch when it's ready?