Can Tell if Seed is Male or Female?


Well-Known Member
No worries man, I'm here to learn, not flex. Thanks for the info. I'm all about cloning that desired female too, but have yet to find "the one". I've grown from clone for years, I have also gotten pests from other people and run into situations where people are tired of smoking the same old dank. I'm on a pheno hunt. Everyone has blue dream, but have you had calico's blue dream? Nomsayin?


Well-Known Member
I wasnt even going to respond to your last comments, but I have a some free time right now.

Where's YOUR basis for these light cycles causing higher hermie rates?
I will quote your last post.
Yes, drastic light cycle changes AFTER week 4 have proven increased chances of herm. thats why i either 12/12 from week 5 on, or work back to 16/8, 18/6, or 24/0 quickly. Not like the sun keeps consistent hours or even angle in the sky anyways....
When I gave my opinion what makes you think that its not based on actual experience or facts? Why would you just assume that I have no basis for my arguments? Ok, I didnt give one but I didnt include it because its such a simple concept that all growers with any experience have this basic concept down.
You actually think that you can use you light cycle to affect how many females appear in your garden AFTER germination and I think you are wrong. In fact I know you are wrong, even you know you are wrong. Heres the proof, take any seed germinate it, and before the 4 weeks are when the sex is hardcoded into the seed(according to your theory and no its not a hypothesis, because it would need to be an educated guess). Make a genetic copy of that plant by cloning or tissue culture or what ever. Then you can do what ever you want with your lights, the only difference will be is that you might get an extra hermie.
This is common knowledge, even the most novice growers will tell you just like I did. This is why I "think" [not a fact, just my opinion (again which is the difference between my posts and yours)] that once the seed germinates it "knows" what sex it is already and that only stress will change that.
I actually want to thank you for a good argument, even tho I "think" you were playing a little unfairly and throwing low blows. It was fun, but your wrong.

See ya round, all the best.


Active Member
Now you want me to clone a plant to do an experiment about "how to get more females from seed"? I said I'm done with this try hard conversation. Read notsoesoteric's link about cannabis possibly NOT being a diploid cell. Then tell me how clones are an accurate representation of anything (maybe a 90% accurate representation of a SINGLE seed). I won't see it; I clicked unwatch :lol:
You still don't seem to understand what you are talking about. Saying stress is the only way to change sex... Dumbed way down, Ive been saying exactly that. You dont understand what "stress" is now. Just living, the plant is stressed. When you give it "female friendly stress (en-vi-ron-fucking-ment)" for 2+ weeks early on, zap, you got "more females."
First you said light cycle will just stress plant, then you say stress is the ONLY way to affect gender, and light cycle has nothing to do with it.. Do I smell hypocritical circular logic?
Try hard much?..
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Well-Known Member
Now you want me to clone a plant to do an experiment about "how to get more females from seed"? I said I'm done with this try hard conversation. Read notsoesoteric's link about cannabis possibly NOT being a diploid cell. Then tell me how clones are an accurate representation of anything (maybe a 90% accurate representation of a SINGLE seed). I won't see it; I clicked unwatch :lol:
You still don't seem to understand what you are talking about.
Try hard much?..
You stated that
"I started a batch a of reg seeds a few weeks ago (11 in proper conditions, plus 3 extra seedlings I really didn't have room for.) on 15/9.
2 weeks in I switched to 14/10. 2 weeks after that It got changed back to 15/9. I worked it up to 18/6 by end of week 5.
Some have started pre flowering. Out of the 11 so far, 5 have shown, withall 5 being female. With 7 more, I feel safe assuming I'll get 3-4 more females, but honestly would not be surprised if I got 90-100% only half-assing conditions. I recommend trying this kind of schedule (15/9 to start, 14/10 weeks 3+4, then either 12/12 or work hours back up) to get more females."
To later say " The point was, I did the known tricks (light, humidity, temp, nutes were all "female friendly") to get 80-100% female, and what do you know, I have more females than i planned for. I am recommending the light cycle because humidity, temp, and nutes all fluctuated outside the range plenty of times, and while the light may not be the SOLE reason, it HAS been proven to be a determining factor. "
You are basically saying that since all these other factors were out of whack it had to be the one factor that you actually had control over that produced your positive results just makes no sense whatsoever. Its observer bias, you cant see anything except your positive results.Your logic is extremely flawed. It is based on a logical fallacy called a slippery slope. To try and point this out to you,
I stated " So, let me get this straight. Average conditions = 50/50 right?
Female conditions =80%-100% females right?
So to totally disprove this I just need to find one case where there were female conditions and less than 80% females? Too easy.
You said "To totally disprove this, you must provide overwhelming and reliable evidence (much more than one fucking time.) and "Yes, drastic light cycle changes AFTER week 4 have proven increased chances of herm. thats why i either 12/12 from week 5 on, or work back to 16/8, 18/6, or 24/0 quickly. Not like the sun keeps consistent hours or even angle in the sky anyways..."
So I suggested " take any seed germinate it, and before the 4 weeks are when the sex is hardcoded into the seed(according to your theory and no its not a hypothesis, because it would need to be an educated guess). Make a genetic copy of that plant by cloning or tissue culture or what ever. Then you can do what ever you want with your lights, the only difference will be is that you might get an extra hermie."

You actually had the nerve to say
"Now you want me to clone a plant to do an experiment about "how to get more females from seed"?"
Yet I am the one that doesnt understand the convo. Lol.
Oh I see you edited so let me answer that part too.
You said "First you said light cycle will just stress plant, then you say stress is the ONLY way to affect gender, and light cycle has nothing to do with it.. Do I smell hypocritical circular logic?"
Maybe I wasnt clear enough on this part. What I meant was that your theory is wrong, and your light cycle changes will not give you more females,only more hermies. How many of the 5 out of 5 females that showed sex are gonna herm out? Only one way to find out. Anyway I know your wrong, you know it and now the whole world does. I dont think you are even that stupid to think I meant for you to clone a plant to see how to get more females from seed, but your running out of things to say. Everything you say can and will be used against you, so come for real.