Can This Be A Probelm??


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
I have two fans blowing on my plants. One is ovulating and the other is just blowing on all 3. But the leaves have changed a bit. The leaves use to be flat and didnt wilt at all. But now they arent as straight out and flat and there wilting a tad bit. Whats going on with my babys. Are they gonna be alright?


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen:that needs to be ovulating fan...good one! anywho...I do not think it is a problem. the concept or intent is to provide continuous gentle air movement to redistribute heat/air moisture, and physical movement of the plant to encourage robust and stout stems - but in your case wse are also looking for the plants to drop an unfertilized egg as well.........:mrgreen::blsmoke::mrgreen::blsmoke: :peace::peace: