Can too much direct sunlight damage a plant??


Active Member
As long as it's getting the water it needs,or hasn't been sprayed with anything(i.e. Neem oil or other pest products.)Your plants will be able to take all the direct sun that's
thanks for the feedback.

i got a few clones from the club and i have them in pots outside. its been kinda hot and the sun is hitting it directly. i was worried that the plant will go into shock since its not used to strong sunlight since its been in the club under a light.


Well-Known Member
guess where plants were grown before a light bulb was even invented? thats right...OUTSIDE will be fine


Well-Known Member
Going from indoors to outdoors, it's good to break them in slowly. A few hours a day at first, to get them acclimated. They can and will get a sunburn.


Active Member
OP in your post you neglected to say you were moving from artificial light to natural.In this case you have to be careful and try to make the transition as gradual as possible.It can be over- exposed if you do it all at once.


Active Member
Going from indoors to outdoors, it's good to break them in slowly. A few hours a day at first, to get them acclimated. They can and will get a sunburn.

we have grown outside since 1966 and have never found a strain that couldn't take a hot dry summer. some strains are more durable than others. however.... outside plants in direct light have smaller, tighter, thicker leaves that are adapted to less moisture loss than leaves that form on indoor plants and are adapted to indoor conditions and cant take the drastic change and will burn


Well-Known Member
in other words, harden the plants by taking them outside for an hour or so at first, then after a few days increase it to several hours and by the end of a week they can take full sun.


Well-Known Member
if it gets sunburned the leaves turn brown and die and the whole plant either dies or is stunted big time. Happens all the time.