Can topping cause hermies?

Connoisseurus Rex

Well-Known Member
If you have patients that expect one strain of medicine you should at the very least pass it on to others before Getting rid of it IMO
Such a waste of genetics and money. Especially when you buy 20 seeds at $10-$20 a pop and get 1 or 2 keepers.

Hell, there's certain phenos that people would kill for if not pay a hefty price for a clone.

Spot on about customers too I imagine. One day it's really good, the next it's shit. I'd be pissed.

Budget Buds

Well-Known Member
My plant was way too tall so I started cutting down, I can't flower until the smallest is ready and I only have one room. I cut 14 inches off the tops I've done like 3-4 and there's two left. Can this cause a hermie and can I remove lower growth(bottom branches I don't need) at the same time.
Theoretically yes it could as well as any stresses , light cycle interruptions , psychical trauma or it could just be genetically predisposed to doing so. In reality no not really, I've never heard of it happening. You can remove lower and upper foliage at the same time, in fact it should be done at the same time to reduce the time it takes for the plant to recover from the trauma. Also when cloning you should always take the cuttings from the lower third of the plant as it has more of the hormones needed for new shoots to develop roots. you can take clones from anywhere on a plant but the ones from the bottom will root faster :) BB