Can u grow funk from regs


Well-Known Member
If you look after your plant better than the previous grower then it is possible to get better weed than the batch you got it from. The purple is genetic I'm afraid. If the batch it came from wasn't purple before, you won't be able to get it through nurture.


Well-Known Member
if it was grow very shitty yeah you can grow it better but genetics are a factor you cant grow bomb with trash but i got some swag that turned out to be a very tall sativa purple leavers are a phenotype of a genetic, its kind of complicated but some plants can turn purple with hormones or left out in cool temp's but its hard to get the cool temps and not have your plant suffer from frost. hope this helped!


Well-Known Member
any plant can be made better through love and care...but still genetics are cant make silk out of a sows ear...if you start with good genetic to beggin with your odds are alot better.

I am Chubbs

Active Member
I was able to get a non-purple strain to turn purple, mostly just the leaves by dropping the temp. in the flowering room to 55-60 degrees when the lights were off.

Hope this helps.



Well-Known Member
Water curing just makes it darker, it doesn't necessarily make it purple. None of the shit I have ever water cured turned purple.


Active Member
Dude, i don't have pictures of my own. I might have just been mistaken myself. But here is another members comparison. I might still be mistaken. But watercuring took the green out of my buds.
Edit: maybe I should have used the term purplish