can u guys help me, leafs are like disapering NEED HELP


<strong>[video=youtube;SEWZsct8OMM];feature=c4-overview&amp;list=UUe6ECj-io1RbcpshixIFACA[/video]this is my first dwc system i moved them in about a week ago they was fine then i over fert them and did a flush for a hour then add new water and a low does of GH nutrients last night, im not sure what this is, my ph is around 5.8-6 and tap water ppm is 180 and my ppm in resivour is 480, by looking at the leafs can anyone help me on what this mite be pls.....and i have no bugs at all


When you say you moved them in about a week ago, moved in from where? Were they in soil in the past and you moved to DWC?

I can't completely see your setup but I would take a few out and put in a different tank with nothing but 5.8 water for at least a few days.

In fact, if those were my plants I would clean the tub(s) and run nothing but 5.8 water and really watch the ph and temps until they cleared up.


i had a ebb n flow system and moved them to dwc they was doen good, got really nice roots and i over feed them,yesterday i did a flush and cleans the tub and my ph is around 5.8-6.


Well-Known Member
When you say over fed, what was ppm? They look like they got hit hard but also looks like could be a combination of stress, nutes and maybe a mold or rot issue.


when i over feed them ppm's was around 870, i was also add the wrong amount of nutrients, have u ever seen this before, i have also found out that i had a big cal def, im going to get some cal-mag tomorrow but i would really like to know what would make my leafs like this
When you say over fed, what was ppm? They look like they got hit hard but also looks like could be a combination of stress, nutes and maybe a mold or rot issue.


Well-Known Member
So your "leafs are like disapering"? That's awesome, I don't even know what that is but it sounds cool!


LOL its just a plant, you can always start again. Infact I may have to with my grow as they should be well into flower but they have not grown any bigger for 3 weeks! They are alive, just ...not growing so I have no idea what is wrong with mine lol SOmetimes you just have to try a few times before they go right.


Well-Known Member
At 3 weeks I spiked a plant with 1200ppm and a ph of 5.8 and the plant doubled in size in 2 days. Then I noticed a deficiency, so added calmag plus and all was good in the world. plant finished AWESOME!!!.

How do the roots look? is the plant still taking in water?
I would follow what the other post said, Go with straight PH'd water for a few days with no nutes and see if it helps, then add cal mag to the bucket and do a Cal-Mag folier spray when the lights are off.
Good Luck