Can U help me out a little? +Rep For Helpful responses.


Active Member
Im planning a pretty nice outdoor grow next season and im trying to buy everything in advance. So far ive gotten my soil, nutrient additives, starter pots, even the locations picked out of where my babies are going.

Im lost on pest control. Im going to need something to keep away grasshoppers, bud worms, spider mites, and any other little pot muncher that will come around. Ill be around mostly everyother day or so to feed/water them, but i want to try and prevent a problem not fix one when it arrises. Cost isnt much of an issue, but if i can save a few bucks that'd be cool

Am I going to run onto any problems transplanting indoor seedlings and clones from 1 gallon pots to the ground? or is there anything i should do to prep the area where i plant on planting?

any help is greatly appreciated
youll have to be vegelant about pest includeing deer,rabbits and other orniverous animals keep the plants plenty of neem oil on them and that should keep bugs detuored and trans plant some lady bugs, big spiders, stick bugs and other bugs that eat bugs not plants to teh area, th egrouns/soil will nned to be preppped and ide keep it close to wha the makeup of the starter pots are, youll need to harden teh plants off by putting them ouit side a few hours a day until they ready for trans plant.

that should do it.
get some worms and get a worm farm going for low cost cast doesn't take much to get going and in a years time you'll have more than you know what to do with.
Second in order to keep away large animals use naphthalene balls (moth balls) they do wonders kept the kangaroos and wallabies as well as rampant deers and bandicoots away from my shit.
Cool so
Mothballs will keep away rodents and potential herbavoirs that may eat my plants.
Neem Oil will keep away smaller bugs ands pests.
Now what about grasshoppers? I was thinking 7dust..

Will neem or 7 dust be usable while my plants are flowering? or do i need a more invasive method when they really start stinking?
Strip a piece of copper wire and make a ring around the base of your plant with it and that will keep slugs out.
if you get a good neem oil it should take care of most potential insect problems and you can use it during flowering. might effect taste if used within the last few week.

you could prob just tame a wild cougar to guard your stash from herbivores lol. they eat the shit out of those fuckers! just like getting ladybugs for spidermites haha
I would dig atleast 5 gal holes, and add good soil, verm, and perlite. The bigger the holes, the bigger the plants! As for 7 dust, I would just spread it out around the plants not getting too close to the root system. To keep deer away, I mix up garlic, hot peppers, about a dozen egg whites, and some water. Mix it all up, and let it sit in the sun for a few days..then pour it around the perimiter of your plants. (it stinks, but it keeps them away!) Deer cant stand garlic, and the smell of sulfur! Another tip for deer is to put human hair around your plants(doesnt always work)
Yeah, for larger herbivourds,sorry for spelling, like rabbits and deer, you can pee around the area, or pee in a bottle then spread around the area. That keeps them away and is actually High in Nitrogen and trace elements, if you felt inclined to pee on the roots,,it dose keep bunnys and deer away, and foxes,, but they only smoke the end product,,haha,.
Neem oil is great,worth it wieght in gold as they say. Planting other plants,,more herbs can help keep pests at bay. aniseed is good for aphids, tabacco, if you can grow it, works great as a sacrifial plant, as bugs prefer tabacco to ganja,,
Also it maybe an idea to have a good look around the garden before you plant them to see what sort of bugs are kicking about, they will mostly be dead at moe so you'll just get cold. That way if say you have loads of catipillars you know maybe some perythell ,chemical, would be worth it, or putting a bird table in the garden would be good, that way you can draw the birds in, they will eat up bugs.
Strip a piece of copper wire and make a ring around the base of your plant with it and that will keep slugs out.
funny you say that, I scrap everyday so i come across copper all the time, ill try that out cuz slugs are some nasty lil munchers.
if you get a good neem oil it should take care of most potential insect problems and you can use it during flowering. might effect taste if used within the last few week.
Ive been told something neem based from the beggining, have any suggestions on a specific product or product line?
you could prob just tame a wild cougar to guard your stash from herbivores lol. they eat the shit out of those fuckers! just like getting ladybugs for spidermites haha
my worst problem is going to be the wild hogs, around here they will walk up and eat from ur hands, so that pretty much eliminates my scent keeping them away. Maybe ordering some lion piss would help, sure that would scare away anything that would want to come in the area.
I would dig atleast 5 gal holes, and add good soil, verm, and perlite. The bigger the holes, the bigger the plants! As for 7 dust, I would just spread it out around the plants not getting too close to the root system. To keep deer away, I mix up garlic, hot peppers, about a dozen egg whites, and some water. Mix it all up, and let it sit in the sun for a few days..then pour it around the perimiter of your plants. (it stinks, but it keeps them away!) Deer cant stand garlic, and the smell of sulfur! Another tip for deer is to put human hair around your plants(doesnt always work)
Yea Ive already been working on digging, Im putting 5 gallon buckets in the ground to hold the holes until i can get the soil/plants in. ill definitely try the garlic, peppers, and egg mix, you hit the nail on the head, its proven GROWER DERIVED tecniques that im really interested in, thanks and +1

Yeah, for larger herbivourds,sorry for spelling, like rabbits and deer, you can pee around the area, or pee in a bottle then spread around the area. That keeps them away and is actually High in Nitrogen and trace elements, if you felt inclined to pee on the roots,,it dose keep bunnys and deer away, and foxes,, but they only smoke the end product,,haha,.
Neem oil is great,worth it wieght in gold as they say. Planting other plants,,more herbs can help keep pests at bay. aniseed is good for aphids, tabacco, if you can grow it, works great as a sacrifial plant, as bugs prefer tabacco to ganja,,
Also it maybe an idea to have a good look around the garden before you plant them to see what sort of bugs are kicking about, they will mostly be dead at moe so you'll just get cold. That way if say you have loads of catipillars you know maybe some perythell ,chemical, would be worth it, or putting a bird table in the garden would be good, that way you can draw the birds in, they will eat up bugs.
We get enough wild birds around here the way it is, they come in flocks by the 1000's and hang around this area all the time. Im starting to think maybe i should just chicken wire my babies in to keep out plant eaters and between the neem, copper and KushCrosser's "Stank mix" I think i should just about be good, although i plan on spending a little more time at TX hydro, the guys there are all very knowledgable on all aspects of growing, they even have one guy that specializes in pest control.
"my worst problem is going to be the wild hogs, around here they will walk up and eat from ur hands, so that pretty much eliminates my scent keeping them away. Maybe ordering some lion piss would help, sure that would scare away anything that would want to come in the area."

haha yes, you are welcome... just kidding. Glad to know me being a smart ass can give other people excellent ideas!
For caterpillars use BT ( bacillius thuringiensis). I Had moth laying caterpillars in my buds this fall and BT eliminated all of them. This stuff saved my crop from total destruction. Get some. GL
Watch out for the two legged pests, keep your travel paths light, lips sealed and don't leave any thing behind that can be traced back to you and good luck.
All good answers. But noone said anything about mycorhizzae.
A mycorhizzic fungus forms a symbiosis with the plant providing easier access to nutes as well as making the plant stronger healthier and more disease
And pest repellant. Grow them out a little so they can be ahead of the game, aphids will destroy babies in a few days. Hope my info helps some!