An example of name calling is: you're a nerd or you're a geek or a derogatory nickname as WeirdoBeardo. What I probably called you, from memory, was a "fucking dumbass" amongst others that characterize your intelligence.
You started this entire thread by asking questions and others attempted to answer them. The fact you couldn't answer your own, despite being convinced by some individual that Prop 19 isn't in the interest of growers, means you didn't do the intelligent thing, and that is research your facts.
Once I provided my rationale for what I believe will happen and why this is better than not having any kind of marijuana legalization, you proceeded to question the authenticity of the bill and whether or not it will be profitable in way or form. You stated how those selling the weed would have no incentive to lower prices, when it is lower prices that attracts more questions. You didn't take into consideration the ease of production of marijuana on such a large scale. You didn't consider how the revenue would be collected. And when I pointed to how billions upon billions of dollars are being poured outside of our country to cartels that go on killing sprees in attempts to intimidate Mexican citizens, you asked for proof and pointed to guns. When I told them the source of revenue for buying those guns were illegal drugs, you went ahead and made presumptive and incorrect attacks regarding my sexual orientation. While 1 line of my post was a name calling, the rest of it was filled with actual facts representing why I support certain ideas and this current effort that is prop 19.
I can't find anything on this John Doopey of yours. After looking at some arguments against marijuana, I found this: Honestly you can replace "marijuana" with "alcohol" and you'll have rebuttals to have alcohol outlawed. A lot of what is being argued and rebutted relies on such precise objectivity. In addition, there is the notion that people will begin to drive while in the influence of marijuana. I guarantee you with the current amount of individuals that smoke it does actually occur on a daily basis and far greater numbers. The fact there are some subjective leanings in this law are fine for me, because it can pave way for further legislation to help.
It is a step by step process. Take the step so we can reach the ultimate goal that is legalization.