Well-Known Member
500 an oz? lolol
Who the fuck pays 500 a ounce?? Who the fuck even tries to sell an ounce for 500.00 is it made from Panda ??
500 an oz? lolol
If it was 100% THC I'd spend 500 on itWho the fuck pays 500 a ounce?? Who the fuck even tries to sell an ounce for 500.00 is it made from Panda ??
kewl, look at the thread. nobody but haters posting. no truth to any of the comments. others are welcome to visit and see anything from bud to books. we run an open shop.
the rest of you flamers can thrive away here in never never land.
There is a guy John Fullen who servres the local tri cities. prescott prescott valley chino whatever, northern az. He calims hes not growing but supplying a guy from a smoke shop who i personally know grows in his tent. so hes trying to say he provides a guy that is growing for a 100% fact of mine. doesnt make sens why someone cultivating needs another supplier. i treid to be respectful and tell him sorry but all four of these strains wont meet my needs, " well thats a real bummer man" "ever tried this shit?, if you havent man i mean just try it seriously just try it" dude youre herb is garbage and overpriced. please avoid all meets and any greets with this guy. all four strands were of mid quality for 50 an 1/8 donation. please guy.
Again, John Fullen (MMJ Natural Remedies) 9288997976---->as stated in his white trash business card.
not to mention the harassing texts i had all night from this ass hole
Gerald would probably turn down experienced cultivators anyway. He wants sheeple in his organization who are blinded but whatever wealth he has...
FYI Mr Gaines, there are people/businesses in Arizona willing to grow you MEDICAL pounds at $1500+, that is the current price of three of your ounces.
Be as powerful as you think you are and do all the patients a favor by networking.
I do not know many REAL compassionate people gardeners who would get into business with you. ESP. knowing that you would still charge $500 an ounce for a product you could potentially be paying $1700 max after all expenses are accounted for.
Your supposedly a business man and CFCC business model suggest large volume production, No?
anton is not an employee of compassion first. when employed at compassion first, anton also had many side activities not under our direction or with our knowledge.and his little puppet, Anton the Medicine man,
I call for recalibration, Gerald has never even been in the vacinity of a strain with 20% THC, neither have you patients. Unnamed testing source, they are unnamed because they have been ripped in the AZ industry. By the way, just because a description dictates 20% THC does not mean the final product will measure up.
you're more than welcome to come by and see what we grow - if you have advice that helps, of course i'd payIf you are helping as many people as you say, can I please show you and your group how to grow legitimate medicine? I only charge for my time and by the sounds of it, seems like you have pretty deep pockets. I'm tired of patients getting shitty medicine state wide. If you are truly here to help and stick by what you say, having the best, then please take this offer. You could use a reality check...
A 500 dollar cost per ounce ??? The first year production of cannabis lies in the 1-2 $ per gram range when done by an experienced cultivator, this has been studied thoroughly.
Your production cost, over that average time is at 13.14 $ per gram. Do securities and federal taxes raise the cost of production by over 10 dollars per gram?
I have a chronic medical disease, and will in no way give your dispensary any time or money if that's how you plan on brain washing people.
You literally have my blood boiling, treating people that NEED this medicine with that kind of respect... I hope for your sake our paths never cross.
i don't have time right now to review every complaint, but i will when i can, but let me try one more time on the prices for dispensary meds - the numbers i quoted were the C O S T S the dispensaries will incur per ounce, not the price they charge. They will charge whatever they can up to their cost. Most dispensary prospective owners i know expect to charge around $300 and take a loss for quite awhile. i gave the numbers to point out to the people that thought dispensaries were making out like bandits at $300 were dead wrong.
as for people who think they can be of help to a legitimate organization trying to make a difference in this industry, just contact me directly - you know where to find me.
your numbers are probably good for variable costs after start up fixed costs are paid for. the reality of mmj right now is that most dispensaries will probably have to buy or build space due to banking restrictions - no one is giving loans for buildings that house dispensaries or cultivation operations. the high numbers in the beginning are to pay of all of the upfront costs, including the buildings, within the first couple of years.
first off any grower who has really been doing this for a long time realizes how stupid it is to have a facility with 999 plants in it. all that is doing is asking the dea to come and fuck you. any grower with real experience would have 10 facilities with 99 plants in each one. not only does this protect against having your whole crop raided at once, it also protects against the effects of growing such large mono-cultures which is what each of us is doing when we grow just marijuana. this increases risks from disease and pests and if your plants are all that close together it does not take long for everything to be infected even if they are in separate rooms. Another thing which you keep mentioning which is curious to me is you keep saying pay off your building and you keep expensing the cost of the facility and property, isnt that really a long term investment which in turn is an asset not a liability? and therefore the building "cost" (which is not really a cost) should have nothing to do with your fixed costs save for the depreciation on the fixtures and any maintenance or taxes paid for the property (which could be conseidered variable costs) just curious on this clarification. i am also curious as to what your salary costs are and how you determine the compensation for yourself and others in the organization. and finally i will repaet what i asked earlier seeing as you conveniently ignored it: why dont you try and change the 25 mile rule? an answer of "thats the law we voted for so we cant change it" is a bullshit answer you and i both know this. if this were the case then why did we try and get amma on the ballot again or at all? thats not what te law was so why should we have changed it? from what you are saying , if you operate for a dispensary, it will cost you so much more money right? thats one of the reasons you give for your projected costs right? would nt it be cheaper to change the rule, from the estimates i have been hearing, it would take about 30,000$ to successfully add a ballot initiative. is that a greater cost than the added regulatory and tax costs which you will incur in the next five years? if you think that not having a monopoly on growing will increase the supply so much then i ask you look around right now. are you having trouble moving your weight? has the supply outpaced demand? all i see is a robber baron scumbag who is trying to corner an emerging market. and that emerging market will be paid for and created by very sick individuals who need this product to better their quality of life and in some cases keep them alive. what do you do that is so compassionate? do you give free meds to terminal patients? do you hold food drives for the hungry? do you collect toys for charity? do you do anything in this industry which is not self serving and opportunistic? your just like any other ceo scumbag, you dont care to whose expense you make your money so long as you get yours.Yes, i am probably some irrational born-into-wealth robot like some of our national leaders. Fail - I got here the hard way, and have the scars to prove it. So, to knock down the crazies,
Of course I would want good cultivators - ones that are used to handling up to 999 plants - not a caregiver that has had 50 plants going for a few patients - those are two very different people. your caregiver would be a junior grower in our business, maybe.
$1,500 per pound - ROFLMFAO - Our variable cost is under $600 per pound already, going down, and soon as we pay off our building our prices will reflect that
See, that's what a harvard mba, engineering degree, years and years of growing (do you think this is my only identity on this board, mmmm?) and the compassion, commitment and intent to start a new industry in a clean way.
see other comments about pricing -the chart said COSTS, not prices, there is a difference
first off any grower who has really been doing this for a long time realizes how stupid it is to have a facility with 999 plants in it. all that is doing is asking the dea to come and fuck you. any grower with real experience would have 10 facilities with 99 plants in each one. not only does this protect against having your whole crop raided at once, it also protects against the effects of growing such large mono-cultures which is what each of us is doing when we grow just marijuana. this increases risks from disease and pests and if your plants are all that close together it does not take long for everything to be infected even if they are in separate rooms. Another thing which you keep mentioning which is curious to me is you keep saying pay off your building and you keep expensing the cost of the facility and property, isnt that really a long term investment which in turn is an asset not a liability? and therefore the building "cost" (which is not really a cost) should have nothing to do with your fixed costs save for the depreciation on the fixtures and any maintenance or taxes paid for the property (which could be conseidered variable costs) just curious on this clarification. i am also curious as to what your salary costs are and how you determine the compensation for yourself and others in the organization. and finally i will repaet what i asked earlier seeing as you conveniently ignored it: why dont you try and change the 25 mile rule? an answer of "thats the law we voted for so we cant change it" is a bullshit answer you and i both know this. if this were the case then why did we try and get amma on the ballot again or at all? thats not what te law was so why should we have changed it? from what you are saying , if you operate for a dispensary, it will cost you so much more money right? thats one of the reasons you give for your projected costs right? would nt it be cheaper to change the rule, from the estimates i have been hearing, it would take about 30,000$ to successfully add a ballot initiative. is that a greater cost than the added regulatory and tax costs which you will incur in the next five years? if you think that not having a monopoly on growing will increase the supply so much then i ask you look around right now. are you having trouble moving your weight? has the supply outpaced demand? all i see is a robber baron scumbag who is trying to corner an emerging market. and that emerging market will be paid for and created by very sick individuals who need this product to better their quality of life and in some cases keep them alive. what do you do that is so compassionate? do you give free meds to terminal patients? do you hold food drives for the hungry? do you collect toys for charity? do you do anything in this industry which is not self serving and opportunistic? your just like any other ceo scumbag, you dont care to whose expense you make your money so long as you get yours.
I wish it was 1850's Arizona..... We could just tie this douche bag up to the back of a horse and give him a Navajo Rug burn...... or just hit him with a bag full of horse shoes...... I long for the past at times like this.....
Yes i am uneducated please educate me.lies and damn lies and straight out stupidity.
first, facility size - a dispensary is allowed ONE grow facility, you uninformed xsdfdf, that determines the size
second, our facilities are divided by rooms and air sources and can easily contain pests and other problems. it's not like this hasn't been done before.
the building cost - its a cash cost, and i'm trying not to be insulting here, but either you are extremely uniformed, uneducated or are intentionally throwing mud around.
if you see a robber baron scumbag, to use your term, stop looking in the mirror. you're just another web flamer that would never dare to show his face to me in person.
anyone else that has balls and a real issue i'd be glad to meet.