can we not have a say anymore

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Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Chiceh....I respect the site and the mods but that answer you just gave is BS....and I will tell you why....I see the same questions asked daily here....from cloning to seedlings to harvesting....I dont see you closing any of those threads....why? seems unfair to me to pick and choose which threads you think are redundant
You don't get it, these threads are negative towards Rollitup. Disrespectful even.


stays relevant.
Hey, I don't want to change the direction of this thread too much, so I am going to keep it in my point of you (I might be wrong, or not - this is just how I feel)

1) None of us own RIU- we are members of a community.
2) Should people not be treating each other with kindness anyhow?
3) Do you like the fact that people look at RIU as one big joke?
4) Furthermore, do you really want to be part of that big joke?

It's about time RIU started trimming the fat. This community could thrive if we could weed out the people who just don't belong here. Let them start a community where hate, hostility, and ignorance can thrive. I want to see RIU become something bigger than what it is, and with the current state of things, it is not thriving- it's growing more and more laughable.

I strongly agree with the administration of this forum that it's time for RIU to do a 180, and shake the ignorant roaches off of its coat tails. Either way, if you feel like RIU is censoring you in any way, you must not have anything pleasant to bring to the table to begin with.

I'm tired of all these silly resistance threads, quit complaining about "having a say" or "free speech" because it's worn out, and is an excuse to fear change.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Hey, I don't want to change the direction of this thread too much, so I am going to keep it in my point of you (I might be wrong, or not - this is just how I feel)

1) None of us own RIU- we are members of a community.
2) Should people not be treating each other with kindness anyhow?
3) Do you like the fact that people look at RIU as one big joke?
4) Furthermore, do you really want to be part of that big joke?

It's about time RIU started trimming the fat. This community could thrive if we could weed out the people who just don't belong here. Let them start a community where hate, hostility, and ignorance can thrive. I want to see RIU become something bigger than what it is, and with the current state of things, it is not thriving- it's growing more and more laughable.

I strongly agree with the administration of this forum that it's time for RIU to do a 180, and shake the ignorant roaches off of its coat tails. Either way, if you feel like RIU is censoring you in any way, you must not have anything pleasant to bring to the table to begin with.

I'm tired of all these silly resistance threads, quit complaining about "having a say" or "free speech" because it's worn out, and is an excuse to fear change.

Do yourself a favor and shut the hell upkiss-ass


Well-Known Member
You don't get it, these threads are negative towards Rollitup. Disrespectful even.
but have to understand...if you keep shutting everyone down it will lead to a loss of members.....disrespectful or not....they are still posting here...I agree with shutting down spam threads like the one you shut down earlier with random letters or know which one I mean...but this is criticism and that is all....simple as that...if you shut down threads because they have negative thoughts about the site...I hate to say it but it's kinda nazi I am in no way name calling...I am simply trying to understand what you may base the threads being closed on....this thread hasnt been closed and it seems to be very similar to many that have been closed...just trying to gain understanding....I am obviously not happy about getting an infraction earlier from's nothing against him...he is just doing his job...but I think it's bullshit the way the site is all of a sudden being policed by you guys....what is it that RIU said to you all to kick you into gear? I just feel like we are all in the dark and you guys arent doin much to light the way....though I dont really think you guys have all the info from RIU on his intentions to enforce some things that have not been enforced before....I dunno...just lookin for answers....the whole deal makes me uneasy about using the site quite frankly...and it's sad because I am on here's like a home away from home ya know? :peace::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Well if they weeded out the bullshit kids then it would become an adult site with more professional people. Other sites are real good. They are all adults.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
but have to understand...if you keep shutting everyone down it will lead to a loss of members.....disrespectful or not....they are still posting here...I agree with shutting down spam threads like the one you shut down earlier with random letters or know which one I mean...but this is criticism and that is all....simple as that...if you shut down threads because they have negative thoughts about the site...I hate to say it but it's kinda nazi I am in no way name calling...I am simply trying to understand what you may base the threads being closed on....this thread hasnt been closed and it seems to be very similar to many that have been closed...just trying to gain understanding....I am obviously not happy about getting an infraction earlier from's nothing against him...he is just doing his job...but I think it's bullshit the way the site is all of a sudden being policed by you guys....what is it that RIU said to you all to kick you into gear? I just feel like we are all in the dark and you guys arent doin much to light the way....though I dont really think you guys have all the info from RIU on his intentions to enforce some things that have not been enforced before....I dunno...just lookin for answers....the whole deal makes me uneasy about using the site quite frankly...and it's sad because I am on here's like a home away from home ya know? :peace::mrgreen:
It is that things have gotten way out of hand around here. I can't give you the answers you are looking for. I can just justify me closing it by having multple threads with the same people and issue being ranted about.
Lets just all move on and grow our weed. :mrgreen::peace:


100% Authentic A$$Hole
I will let you slide once on that, just because you're a paying member - but that thing you smell in your sig... I think it's your opinion.

obviuosly people are pissed about the rules and all the infractions........nobody needs to hear your 2're just looking to stir shit.kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
It is that things have gotten way out of hand around here. I can't give you the answers you are looking for. I can just justify me closing it by having multple threads with the same people and issue being ranted about.
Lets just all move on and grow our weed. :mrgreen::peace:
Thank you for your honesty....issue dropped....lets grow some buds! that reminds have things to do...:blsmoke:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
listen to all of you crying. likeyou wernt part of it. you should have not awnserd like you didnt about my 4th grow. just my 2 cents worth


Well-Known Member
It would be better if staff did not close threads for no reson, And then start back peddling when the shit hits the fan.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Hell......Mr Rollitup can even be a mod in disguise, ya just never know.........One thing I do know is he is never logged on here much to see even half the shit that goes on which leads me to believe he is someone else or there is lots of communication amongst mods and the higher up...........


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Hell......Mr Rollitup can even be a mod in disguise, ya just never know.........One thing I do know is he is never logged on here much to see even half the shit that goes on which leads me to believe he is someone else or there is lots of communication amongst mods and the higher up...........
He is on everyday. You can always find him in chat most days too. There are few times (vacation) that he is not around. Trust me, he is here as much as he can be as all of us mods. :mrgreen::peace:
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