can you be heat detected by Ir


Well-Known Member
the technology you are discussing is old and very outdated... I would elaborate on what the DEA uses and how it works but I'm sure my buddy in the DEA wouldn't be too happy with that :/


Active Member
YES!! IR goes through ANYTHING!!!

Those that say otherwise don't know JACK SHIT! Even LED's are detectable VIA IR.

I had a IR camera it was pretty fucking cool.

I didn't use it on my grow tent now come to think, I should have.

I did point it at my walls and I saw the coolest/scariest shit.
It saw the plaster under my paint.
It was pretty cool, but weird at the same time.
I put plaster over holes in the wall, painted over it twice with thick paint. I used the IR camera over the paint and it showed all the plaster exactly how it was smeared.


Well-Known Member
It cant see through anything thats bs. Do you see the flir Images above and how about the one were infared can see into the house but has a wall on one the side and no light or heat visible......exactly. There is visible light in a window on front of house but not on side as the wall is insulated and helps keep temps down hell go read insulation it evem says it deters infared or something along those lines.. all flir does it.pick up heat. Its not like military were they can see you on the couch watching tv as they sit outside. Totally different its been used in Afghanistan to find insurgents etc in buildings


Well-Known Member
Please elaborate what the DEA uses. Why woumd he care. Its the internet and how would he no does he no yoirnon this site.


Active Member
Trust me, modern IR sensors can make out a human being in great detail against a desert backdrop. They can see minute contrasts in temperatures.


Well-Known Member
It's not the amount of heat but the contrast with the surrounding temp. A 200w will absolutely be visible if the surrounding temp is < 80°F.

<---Former Army Air Cav.
A houshold light is ~ 60 - 100watt. 200 watt is not the big of a difference. I am not affiliated with the Army. But are you saying you can visually see a difference between a small cfl and large cfl and then connect that to growing weed?

Plus even Superman can't see through lead... Can these things?

To the OP. Line your walls with lead, haha. I'm j/k don't do that.


Well-Known Member
with 200w light he is right when he said zero chance...just read his post before trashing.
Everybody is missing the point here. A 200w light puts out very little heat. It's in a closet in a basement. There are numerous appliances that emit way more in most every home. A couple 3 100W old fashioned incandescent light bulbs hanging from the ceiling so you can see your way around are going put out more heat.


Active Member
Again, it's a MOOT POINT, guys, in the US as it can't be used to get a warrant. I'd be far more worried about someone snitching on me than anything else.


Well-Known Member
It costs the government millions of dollars to fly a plane around to see the heat in people's homes....... Would you spend a million plus to find one plant ??


I have 2- 100w bulbs over my work bench in the garage for 20 years and nobody has ever knocked on my door asking what i was doing in there. So no you are not likely to get nailed.



Well-Known Member
Is the poison patrol going to stop you for pissing in the reservoir too?

Come on people seriously, we're talking about 200W. 200W is for toy grows.

In latest news, sales of slingshots surge. Could this be the start of a new crime wave?


Well-Known Member
It's not about if you will get caught or not, but the simple answer to the question. YES IR can detect heat. All the other factors are up to the grower... And NO it doesn't cost Millions to fly an heli (are you smoking crack?!) an nor does it cost millions to raid a small grow (my local SWAT team LOVE when they get a call and are overly excited to gear up and load u on ammo. And this is a small town folks! I work for some local/state cops so I hear their war stories wayy too often). If the DEA, local police or state police wanted to send a message, and they have in the past, they will. Money isn't the issue here... The FED prints money out like it's nothing to FUND secret government ops... Do some research and prepare to get your mind BLOWN!


Well-Known Member
It costs the government millions of dollars to fly a plane around to see the heat in people's homes....... Would you spend a million plus to find one plant ??
No, but unfortunately our Govt has done things this stupid and even stupider.

The top 2 ways to get caught with a 200W grow are;
1) Get caught cheating on your girlfriend
2) Set your grow tent on fire.


I forgot mention the temp in closet never went upto 70 .and the basement is colder then normal is below road surface.
Thanks to all