Can you clone a female branch from a hermi male and use it as a mother?


Well-Known Member
This would go under preserving genetics, but its something I can't help but wonder...

If you have a male plant, stress it to hermi, and clone the resulting female branch, could you indeed clone that branch and reveg it, than use it as a mother? Obviously it could never be used to make seeds, for obvious reasons, but would it work for a cloning op?


Active Member
I didnt think a male plant could already is a male and i dont think you can make it a girl. Someone correct me if im wrong.


Well-Known Member
You cannot make a male hermie that i know of, you can have a genetic hermi male though. it wouldnt be female and male branches, it would be male and female flowers grouped together on the branches. Your clone would be a hermie too, they have the same genetics as the *parent*.


Active Member
I had a male once upon a time that produce female flowers at 2 months old. It was a super bushy indica pheno that grew from a predominate sativa seed, no idea what it could have been crossed with! Good good stuff tho back then!

I didnt think a male plant could already is a male and i dont think you can make it a girl. Someone correct me if im wrong.


Well-Known Member
I had a male once upon a time that produce female flowers at 2 months old. It was a super bushy indica pheno that grew from a predominate sativa seed, no idea what it could have been crossed with! Good good stuff tho back then!
Genetic male hermies exist, you just dont hear about them often compared to female hermies because most people kill the males and dont let it get to that point. We're you keeping the male for pollen? just wondering.


Active Member
I had a male once upon a time that produce female flowers at 2 months old. It was a super bushy indica pheno that grew from a predominate sativa seed, no idea what it could have been crossed with! Good good stuff tho back then!
All be damned i guess anything is possible.


Well-Known Member
I almost wish I had a male to try this on...its just one of those things I doubt anyone has tried to do...but if it just mixes in female flowers than I know that won't work. I could have swore I remember reading a post saying someone had hermi'd a male...but I've read so much here I could have misunderstood...


Active Member
Story starts......
Yes I did keep the male and I put it alone all by itself, it grew buds on top of every cola and it had about 80 colas and was under 2ft tall ;) so I let it pollinate itself and I collected both the seeds that grew in the buds and the pollen. I havent used either of them because I know the risks and I am saving both just for the genetics! ;) It shouldnt have been a genetic deal either, I believe it was more stress related from going from hps to outdoors without transition!

Genetic male hermies exist, you just dont hear about them often compared to female hermies because most people kill the males and dont let it get to that point. We're you keeping the male for pollen? just wondering.


Active Member
This is true bro! It had the densest growth pattern I have ever seen on a mj plant and the branching and everything was just amazing. It was very structurally sound and the lil top buds were very small and dense but loads of seeds on "it"!

All be damned i guess anything is possible.


Active Member
That was probably a post from me. Most people had no clue it could happen but I proved it to naysayers!

I almost wish I had a male to try this on...its just one of those things I doubt anyone has tried to do...but if it just mixes in female flowers than I know that won't work. I could have swore I remember reading a post saying someone had hermi'd a male...but I've read so much here I could have misunderstood...


Well-Known Member
Thankx Johney :)
added rep+ NOTE: anyone reading this that has helped me and not gotten rep+, I sadly just figured it out and will be going through my post the next couple of days to correct this :blsmoke:


Active Member
Haha thanks man, when I grow those seeds out someday I will link you too it! Im interested to see if they come out male, hermi, or maybe female..... doubtibly but who knows haha!


Well-Known Member
male genetic hermies dont always show the pistils right away, I've been doing some research and it seems more people have had it happen than i thought i would find. All of them ive seen so far has not stressed a male they were keeping for pollen and had it suddenly start sprouting pistils on them. did yours look like this?


Active Member
What you just said is exactly correct! Was using it as a male for pollen and it was the only one arond! no stress, completely controlled! Picture does look right on par for what it was!