Latavius Janikowski
Active Member
I'm a noob, sorry, but when you say defoliation, I'm assuming you're talking about taking leaves off... are you talking about topping? What are you talking about so I can try to do what you're saying to do, because you seem to know what you're talking about. That's not to say I won't take it with a grain of saltLol this is turning out like a defoliation argument. Even though non defolled growers ALWAYS have bigger plants...People still believe that defoliation can increase yields...what a joke. Just to hammer it home...the right side had 4 plants that were defolled...They yielded the same amount as the three plants on the left that weren't defolled. Biggest non defolled plant yield 190g, biggest defolled plant 128g. Defoliation is a great way to reduce your yield.