Can you clone from a clone? and so on?


Active Member
Anyone know if it would become a problem if you were to clone off of a clone and keep cloning off of the clones instead of having a "mother plant". Would the plant loose potency or would it just be the same plant over and over again.

What kind of problems might arise.


Stoned Crab

Active Member
I've never done it personally, but I dont see a problem cutting a clone off of a larger healthier plant. Just cut the clone before you begin to flower the plant. Only problem I can see is you would need a separete area for the clones so they dont try and flower. Now loosing potency and such, I doubt you would. But like I said, never tryed.


Well-Known Member
I'm cloning off cloned plants and there are no issues I'm aware of.
My clones grow fine once TP'ed.

If it wasn't the norm, why would anyone by a clone. The serious grower captures strains as available, IMO.


Well-Known Member
I'm into my third cycle with this one strain I have.
Just grow your clone as you would a seedling and take cuttings.


Well-Known Member
the only thing i have found out as of right now, is that the branches start alternating, they dont grow side by side. but maybe thats just my fuck up


Well-Known Member
nah you can clone a clone... it's basically just an extension of the original plant...

and alternating nodes indicates that a plant is mature, it's completely normal after 5 weeks or so of veg.


Well-Known Member
you can do this up to 16 times from what I hear each time the dna gets weaker and weaker thow may take longer to root im up to 7th gen clone its more when you go to seed it it will be more likely to take the other plants traits


Active Member
Thanks for the input...just curious cause thats what i plan on doing over the next year...My 1st grow was seeds...took clones and flowered the mothers. All but one clone died, so i cut like 4 more from that clone and flowered all 5. The harvest from the clones was a better high cause i think i had harvested my 1st batch(mothers) a little early, the clones i let flower for about 2 more weeks and they were so good.

Now iam starting from seed again =)

Thanks all

Also, ontariogrower,
any idea where you heard that, having a hard time finding info on this =P


Well-Known Member
So how come you don't just keep a mother for many cycles of clones, say 10,000 clones off the one mother?


Active Member
idk, lack of space with my scrog =/
i may still use a mother or 2, just have to make room...and my scrog net maybe need to be a lil smaller
