Can you confirm if this is mag deficiency?


Well-Known Member
you could pot up that would help eventually

but id say you really need to get some food in them

im just not sure how quickly the organic liquid nutes will take effect

they purple stems and veins and light green are N def
the rust spots are likely calcium def
and the taco shaped leaf curl is magnesium def

your in a bit of a cross roads with the organic fertilizer

how much calmag did you give them? how many mls per gallon
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Well-Known Member
I really think your very best answer at this point is to up pot and get the maxibloom/maxigrow asap

giving it water ph 6 is likely to do nothing to lower your PH in the short term
ive never done it but I just learned that coca cola can lower ph in soil and kill bugs , but since ive never done it I cant recommend it, but I found it interesting


Well-Known Member
Interesting with the coke. I feel like that's an invitation for bugs. Well I definitely made a big jump in pot size. Will probably be transplanting the two kush's tomorrow, just wanted to let them dry out more since their water uptake is piss poor right now. I'm gonna do a flush then nutes in the next 2 days.

I only gave them 1/2 teaspoon to a gallon, so half strength. Gonna step it up to full strength for the next round.


Well-Known Member
not sure why you want to flush when your already def

plus a flush with organic nutes is about useless... you cant flush out organic nutes

that's what I was trying to say about the differences between organic and water soluble

the organic fertilizer you add today might not be available to the plant for many days or even weeks and likely has a lot to do with the amount of biology in the soil .... since yours is a liquid it could be quicker maybe ifs its already started to break down in the bottle, im just not sure how quick it is......

water soluble fertilizer will start to work quick, organic takes a good bit of time for it to break down before its available

on another note;
the coke is suppose to kill many bugs according to what it
the sugars are good for microbes and biology

but again im not recommending it, just found it interesting


Well-Known Member
I just figure it would be best to start fresh and know exactly what's in it going forward. I'm also planning to start with molasses so I figure that's the same thing that the coke would accomplish sugar-wise. And the black magic is probably not organic lol it's smooth and liquid with no build ups or settling at the bottom.

Suggestions for the kush is just up pot and feed? Push up the cal-mag?


Well-Known Member

so that's a pic of whats in the soil

sorry bro

forget all that about organic fertilizers then...


Well-Known Member
Lol so just up pot the kush's, flush them, and feed em? And feed the CLH and Durban and cal mag full strength all of them?


Well-Known Member
Lol so just up pot the kush's, flush them, and feed em? And feed the CLH and Durban and cal mag full strength all of them?
I will go back and look at the nutes again
I just seen the feather meal and such in the one pic and thought you had organic fertilizer


Well-Known Member
Bob, here's ingredient pics from the soil mix and the two bottles of nutes
im having a difficult time reading all the info on the bottles from those pics

I got the npk numbers but I cant read the magnesium or calcium % amounts

im also not able to tell which of the two contains the micro nutes... does it say?

how does it suggest you mix it?
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Well-Known Member
just looking at the npk % numbers the fertilizer looks good

but I need the calcium and magnesium info also
and I need to know either how they suggest mixing it or which bottle has the micros


Well-Known Member
So it shows:
1% Nitrogen
2% phosphate
5% potash
1% magnesium
1.5% sulfur

Other bottle shows:
4% nitrogen
3% potash
3% calcium
.002% cobalt
.1% iron
.0005% molybdenum

Says to mix equal parts of A and B. That's good to hear they aren't over done though. I'll go full strength on next round. I do not have bloom booster. Those are all I have other than neem oil and calmag


Well-Known Member
full strength per gallon

veg 1:1 ratio part A&B
7 to 8 mls part A
7 to 8 mls part B
3mls calmag
1/8 tsp Epsom salt (0.5grams)

bloom 1:1:1 ratio part A&B&booster
4 to 5 mls part A
4 to 5 mls part B
4 to 5 mls bloom booster
4 to 5 mls calmag
1/8 tsp Epsom salt (0.5 grams)

bloom option #2 (w/o bloom booster) low in P
ratio 1:2 part A&B
4 to 5 mls part A
8 to10 mls part B
5mls calmag


Well-Known Member
I want to point out

your fertilizer doesn't list many of the essential micro nutes, like copper, zinc, manganese

so its hard to know for certain whats what
it could be in the bottle and they just didn't list it (which many brands have been doing) or it might not be in the bottle at all...who knows!

if you have the opportunity I would switch to general hydro floranova grow/bloom or maxi grow/bloom


Well-Known Member
Don't forget the soil has nutrients in it if I have the soil type correct.
The fact that micronutrients could be missing is a problem. You don't want to overdo it on the macro nutes if the soil already has that stuff. I suspect these plants have been getting too much of something. I think I would just up pot and leave them alone for a while and see how they do. You can always add fert later, but you can't remove it easily if you give too much. The brown areas won't become green as that tissue is dead. I don't think it's a calmag problem. It will be interesting to see what you do and how this plays out so keep coming back and discuss the matter so we can see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good guys, thanks for the tips. The kush's are getting up potted right now. Both the Durban poison and Cherry Lime Haze are looking very happy and perky in their new big pots.

I shall keep you posted.


Well-Known Member
So the "better" looking Kandy Kush had nice white roots and wrapped around the soil very nicely. The weaker looking one has white roots as well but not nearly as developed as the other. About half the soil fell away when I moved it up as opposed to the other three that I really had to pull apart and crumble when they moved pots. I'll take some pics of all three tonight and will be feeding this evening