Can you Detect Sex Early??


Well-Known Member
;-)Hi RIU Land,
I am working with 7 bag seeds that are from 1 bag and 1 seed is from a different bag.

I am praying I am training a Female!

If all the seeds from a specific bag are growing and they look differently like leaf shape, color smell, inter nodal spacing being close on some and longer on others.

Can any of that help detect Sex Early or without forcing a cutting?

does anyone know if you Early Signs of sex even exist or can be determined before the Balls and hair?

Things like node spacing, bushiness, being shorter than its "family".

I am praying I have even 1 female out of my 8 plants.

pics are of the side than of the top for two plants that come from the same bag seeds.




Staff member
there are some myths that males grow faster females grow slower, males are less bushy females are more bushy but honestly i would think its strain dependent because ive had very bushy males, and slow growing males, so honestly theres not much you can do but wait for balls or pistils


Well-Known Member
Thanks Sunni,
I am always looking for shortcut.
I will end up taking cuttings and forcing them to show sex with a light cycle change.


Well-Known Member
i dont want to be an ass and im not trying to be one ,but i see tons of this, there are plenty of fem seeds from genetics breeders, how is it you guys don't get fem seeds? they arn't but 5 dollars more or less than regs.


Well-Known Member
And to the OP Thread Question.....

I know I did. Just ask my cousins. :)

ahmmm.....carry on.


Well-Known Member
I'm actually going thru almost the same thing. I have 5 plants up for about a little over a month. One of my third dimension plants is a definite female. Just make sure your giving all of them the good stuff. There maybe some late bloomers! Someone else said it too, it all depends on the strain.