can you force a autoflowering in to flowering?

can you force a autoflowering in to flowering ?

Never worked with an autoflower strain but from what I read they tend to flower at random or as a result of stress, so read more up on it, but I believe stressing them out a bit was the way to go in the articles I read.
I don't really won't an autoflowering plant but I want a plant that flowers in 8 to ten weeks tops. are there any plants out there that flowering in that short of time ? please speak from personal experience
I don't really won't an autoflowering plant but I want a plant that flowers in 8 to ten weeks tops. are there any plants out there that flowering in that short of time ? please speak from personal experience
if u want something in 8 to 10 weeks then u want an auto flowerin plant..
You can’t force autos to do anything. Give them food, give them light, they produce bud, then plant dies. Seed to harvest is ~90 days. Of course there are some 60 day plants and some 120 day plants.

Anyway, ya check out the Autoflower section. Good people good info.