Can you get a good clone with out the dome?


Well-Known Member
i know they have no roots and feed through the leaves but i feel like they would get better light i use 3 25 watt cfls over a 12 by 6 inch dome, so is it better to have the dome and get less light :wall:or dome it out and get more humidity?:dunce:


im confused about ur post --- about having a dome? I have successfully cloned 3 times using nothing but water. I cut the plant where a branch with 3-4 nodes is present and put the cut piece (bottom of the stem only) in the water for about 24 hours, then plant in moist soil and leave it under 18/6 light. Clones root and grow fine.
Dont know what a dome is, but its not necessary IMO


Well-Known Member
im confused about ur post --- about having a dome? I have successfully cloned 3 times using nothing but water. I cut the plant where a branch with 3-4 nodes is present and put the cut piece (bottom of the stem only) in the water for about 24 hours, then plant in moist soil and leave it under 18/6 light. Clones root and grow fine.
Don't know what a dome is, but its not necessary IMO
do you mist them at all through the day?


Well-Known Member
so ur saying u put the cuttin in water for 24 hours and it already grows roots?..then u plants into soil?!?!?!..ifso im gunna have to try ur way!..but i cant see roots growing in 24 hours!..ive had 100% success with domes! always takes about 2 weeks to have solid roots though!



Well-Known Member
Ive used an aero cloner with no dome, but in most mediums you will need it depending on your ambient humidity. A dome will only help, you dont need a lot of light for clones, i use 1 26w cfl over 18 clones, about 1sq ft.


Well-Known Member
Its pretty simple, pull the dome off, if they wilt you need the dome, if they dont then your fine.


You most certainly do not need a dome! Here's proof...4 different breeds at only 60 percent relative humidity with no air flow! I always create my mother plants like this and use low lights, no added costs until they go outside next year. People spend so much on setups just to veg plants. I've also cloned outside when the air is so dry.Nature always finds a way folks..