Can you go from pre-flower back to veg with no adverse effects?


Well-Known Member
What the title says. Will they immediately switch back to veg or is it same as going from full blown flower to veg?

I have some clones I want to turn back to veg cus I left them outside and was too lazy to care.


Well-Known Member
Stickem on 24 hour light and they'll revert to veg quick enough. Changing light cycles drastically usually puts any plant about a week behind to fully adjust. BUT i've seen heartier plants do it in less. There should be no undesirable effects to the clones if you do this.

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
What the title says. Will they immediately switch back to veg or is it same as going from full blown flower to veg?

I have some clones I want to turn back to veg cus I left them outside and was too lazy to care.
If you decide to revert back to veg, the preflower phase will be much less stress to the plant than letting it flower a few weeks and then reverting. It may show you some odd bud & leaf development at first. It's best to prune any of this abnormal looking bud growth off the plant (it will not develop to anything smokable at this point, but still steal plant energy). So once all this is gone, you maybe give it another dose of Nitrogen (the #1 veg nutrient), and keep it under 24/0 or 18/6. You should be just fine!

Whenever you do something like that, it's a stress to the plant, and any stress can cause males at young ages, seeds at middle age, and even hermahprodites. Keep a close eye on them, and just know that those results can be a possability!


Well-Known Member
When exactly does the stretch happen? Cus I've had plants that finish stretching before the preflowers appear, and then I've had plants that seem to barely stretch at all.
I guess it happens at the same time?

I'm thinking about putting some of my bigger plants outside just to sex them, then bring them back into the veg room afterwards.

but I don't want to reveg the plants if they've stretched, cus then they'll take up too much space in my veg room.


New Member
I stuck some girls under 12/12 for about a week and half, once I was sure of the sex, I sent back to 20/4 and they didn't really miss a beat.