Can You Grow in Red Plastic Cups?


Tittle says it all can I grow my plant completly on the red plastic cup you get at your partiess ? Or ima have to transplant mandatory ?


Well-Known Member
you can but your limiting the size of your plant, at best under perfect conditions, i doubt much more than an oz ever, more like half oz


Well-Known Member
they actually have contests all the time for "party cup" grows, from seed to finish. having said that, while I always start them in these cups because they r ideal to guage watering at such an early stage, etc. I would never grow in it all the way through. u have to realize after a certain point, in a cup so small, u will have to add nutes (as the little bit of soil will be depleted very soon of nutrients) and growing mj is largely about them having enough root space as to allow for a bountiful harvest & healthy plant; even flowering the smallest of plants, ur going to be giving up yield because ur roots will be bound. again, it is done all the time, but I would never suggest it. is it really that hard to transplant into a suitable pot after a few weeks? no...


No I know Im going to transplant it later but I was just wondering becauae I have 3 week old bagseed and she.was growing pretty fast but now that shes growing her 8th pair of leave er grow have slow down by atleast 65%


I did it for the heck of it before. It was a SAGE plant that I pretty much abused the hell out of just to see what would happen. It was growing in perlite and humus, barely fed or watered. Still produced smoke-able buds.