can you harvest half


Well-Known Member
chop away my friend i take the tops the let the rest go but if the rest are done they are done pop them off and have fun


Well-Known Member
keep whatever you want to keep going. pretty simple.
make sure you leave some fan leaves on whats left to help it recover from the shock.


dude, I've even cut off all the budded branches and the main colas, and left the empty branch stubs of the plant in the pot and set to reveg, it regrew and reflowered perfectly, I'm not on my second harvest on one plant.


Active Member
dude, I've even cut off all the budded branches and the main colas, and left the empty branch stubs of the plant in the pot and set to reveg, it regrew and reflowered perfectly, I'm not on my second harvest on one plant.
Hmm I should try that :)