Can you have a baby in Heaven?


Well-Known Member
...yes :) But if a person hasn't really done much to purify their mind, they will produce something in accordance with the level of that mind. Sounds fckd, and it kind of is...but I've noticed it to be true. Anyway, what the alchemists referred to as the retention of the sexual function (and the redirecting of that energy within - to the brain ) was how to produce a baby 'in a manger' - the body - the 'garden' of eden. The goal of it was a 'pure' creation (without actually creating anything at all - the mind and the matter do that and you are only a 'structure' for that 'communion' to take place in. Some scientists knew about this. Hence the term "Brainchild", I suppose :lol:

...if you'd like to, remove all the terms you don't like and apply those which suit you. You might find this interesting. If not, that's cool. I just like to read it because it's nothing usual.

Once Came A Man In This Heliocentric Plan Who Found He Was The Center Of The Universe
Soon There Were Three And Whatever The Choice May Be Would The Knowledge Uncovered Help More Than It Hurt
Once Came The Earth, That Was Flattened Upon Its Birth And The Victims Of Edges Were The Ones Who Knew
Negative One, As We Spin Around The Sun And You Know That I Did It All For You
Past Seen As Lies And The Future Was Seen Through Eyes That Held On To The Faith Of Everything They Knew
Negative One, As We Revolve Around The Sun And You Know That I Did It All For You

Two minus three - Tub Ring

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Once Came A Man In This Heliocentric Plan Who Found He Was The Center Of The Universe
Soon There Were Three And Whatever The Choice May Be Would The Knowledge Uncovered Help More Than It Hurt
Once Came The Earth, That Was Flattened Upon Its Birth And The Victims Of Edges Were The Ones Who Knew
Negative One, As We Spin Around The Sun And You Know That I Did It All For You
Past Seen As Lies And The Future Was Seen Through Eyes That Held On To The Faith Of Everything They Knew
Negative One, As We Revolve Around The Sun And You Know That I Did It All For You

Two minus three - Tub Ring
...totally awesome :)

...*the kicker* - what religions call "holy spirit, etc." is the 'divine mother'. Whoa, this gets confusing :lol:


Well-Known Member
I die, I was good, holy, religious, etc.. I go to Heaven. Same with my wife on Earth.. Now we're souls in Heaven, what happens if we have sex, what happens if I impregnate her? Can she deliver a child already born into Heaven?
when I get to heaven I'm going fishing all day while being served beer by playboy bunnies, now that would be heaven lol

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
The force is strong in you young padawan.. eheh :D

Maybe you got to stare at my lines real hard and real long untill you begin connecting some dots...?

If I can do it why can't you?

Aren't we both possesing the same human genome that's supposed to be able figuring shit out ?

Ah well, most guys in this thread seem to understand it:
ohhhh!! you mean semen!

yep i spill my essence often.

considering the audience paddie, i think a better question is not "can we have babies in heaven?", but will there be Porn in the Afterlife?