Can you help Indica vs Sativa


Active Member
well im growing white widow and i just realized its a hybrid im looking for a strong indica high from my plants for help with my insomnia so should i harvest milky trichomes 50/50 or mostly amber....thanks


Well-Known Member
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's an indica dominant strain I believe. That should do the trick for your insomnia if I remember my info correctly.


Active Member
I concur, the more amber you got the more likely you won't be able to leave your bed. You'll be stuck haha


Well-Known Member
White widows vary A LOT an far as genetics. The original version had more sativa than most of the current versions is the general consensus. I'd Go with more amber ;)


You want amber in the curing process, but they should be harvested at 25percent amber. The plant continues to mature even while it's drying so if you wait too long a majority of the THC might lose potency by the time it's dry enough to smoke. Depending where you got your white widow it might be mostly sativa or mostly indica.The Cali version is closer to maui wowie and is mostly sativa , which won't help with insomnia, but there are Dutch versions heavier on the indie that might help. An easy way to tell is to check the fan leaves,5-7 broad leaves=indie,7-9 thin leaves=sativa, and hybrids will show something in between.


Well-Known Member
Amber for sure, it's a hell of a lot easier to cut too early then too late! Also, try baking it. A good duration of not too hot will unlock it's full bodied potential without sacrificing potency. ;-)

Edit: Remembered about this Middle of the Night Insomnia Success Story. Btw, I suffer from insomnia as well. Keep us posted. :-)