Can you help me diagnose these brown stripes right below canopy level?

5% of soil volume every 3 days for plants 9 weeks into veg seems very little.

Dry soil often leads to nutrient lockout/deficiencies/toxicities, particularly when increasing light strength.

I'm going to up that because I think my soil dries out which leads to water leaking from the sides of the fabric pots, not sure if this is what is called soil becoming hydrophobic.

are you pHing or have you pHed the water by adding pH up or down?

I wasn't, because I've been told living soil don't require pH adjustments. I finally got a pH pen, calibrated it and it looks like my tap water is around 7.4, tap water that I let sit for 48 hours measures 6.9. Considering that I've been adding some fish hydrolysate which is acidic, my pH might not be too far off. (Unless I was adding too much hydrolysate and making it too acidic).
Dim the lights for a few days, run a regular incadesant, just low wattage and the roots will
Catch up, just what happens in coco is if you push them hard in the beginning, and that’s a tip I read on here when I started coco
I think my temps and humidity are alright, lights on around high 70s, sometimes hits low 80s, lights off ~65F, humidity is around %45-50, sometimes I forget to refill the humidifier and it drops to high 30s, low 40s. I gave them plenty of water (about a liter each for 3 gal pots) and I added a decent amount of epsom salts and it seems like the new growth is healthier. I think it was magnesium deficiency, considering that magnesium deficiency photos online match my symptoms and after magnesium support with epsom salt the new growth looks much healthier!

Thanks for everyone for their inputs, I appreciate it a lot!